Chapter 6

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They lose the championship game and Toni spends almost every weekend of March depressed and in bed; she gets off to thoughts of Regan's eyes and Fatin's tongue and most of all Shelby's moans and wonders how she managed to fuck up so many good things: she'd called Fatin a whore at a low point and had gotten a stunned laugh and a "And what do you think you are, Toni?" in response, which wasn't really all that fair because she hasn't even been having much sex since the final breakup with Regan, but now Fatin's pissed off at her, and of course Shelby doesn't even like to acknowledge her at school most of the time so she's always a bit of a question mark, and Regan had hated her last time Toni checked but now she seems to be waiting for something, judging by the way Toni always catches her staring. Nora stares, too, and Toni decides that's who she hates most in all of this, because being accused of sleeping with Shelby still feels like an insult for some reason even if it's true.

With basketball done, Toni busies herself with exercise. She runs every morning for a couple of miles, and when Shelby finally thaws a little around Toni again and invites Martha to her Bible spin class with an offhanded comment about how Toni can come too, if she wants, Toni thinks oh, why the fuck not, figures it'll probably be hilarious and decides to tag along, a little curious to find out what the hype is all about—plus Toni's seen what it does for Shelby's body and wouldn't exactly hate looking like that herself.

Becca is there, too, and she seems a little surprised to see Toni but doesn't question it. Martha winds up on the bike behind Becca while Toni's stuck looking at Shelby's perfect ass and annoying high ponytail, and Shelby knows exactly what's she's doing, too; when her sociopathic father makes them rise from their seats and pedal, Shelby's back arches just a little bit more than everyone else's and it's impossible not to look at her butt. Toni has to do the whole session turned on but she manages to stop staring about halfway through, when Martha outright catches her and shoots Toni a confused—if not somewhat amused—look, as if to ask, "Really? Even Shelby?", and Toni breathes a sigh of relief that she'd taken a few spare minutes of her time to complain to Martha about how sexually frustrated she's been without Regan around.

Shelby's dad recites Bible verses and preaches the whole time and it's physically, mentally, emotionally, and—thanks to Shelby—sexually torturous, and Toni knows pretty early on that coming here was a mistake and she'll never do it again. When it's finally over, Toni stands in the corner of the studio and dries her forehead with an offered towel and Martha looks at her and giggles like they have a new secret. "You were checking out Shelby," she whispers, and Toni rolls her eyes, unable to deny it because it's clear that Martha noticed.

"It's a body," she says, and tries to not think about how many angles she's seen that body from.

"Yeah, but it's Shelby's body, and you hate her," Martha points out.

"I'm allowed to hate hot people," Toni blurts, and ignores the way Martha looks taken aback by Toni openly calling Shelby hot, but then soon they're both distracted by Shelby's dad approaching them. Toni thinks back to the day he called her a sinner in the parking lot and wonders if he remembers. He's all smiles now, but there's a pamphlet in his hand and Toni glances down to it but can't get a good look.

"Always glad to have some newcomers," he greets them. "It's important to fit the Lord into your life wherever you can, even if it's just into your daily exercise routine."

Martha smiles politely at him and Toni forces herself to try to do the same, but it comes out more like a grimace. "Sure," she agrees half-heartedly, because Shelby invited them there for a free session as a gift to Martha and the least Toni can do is get through it without causing a scene.

"We all have our demons," he says next, and Toni's not sure where any of this is going. "I hope you're able to find help with them here. Our doors are always open." He says most of this to Toni, almost ignoring Martha completely, and then offers Toni the pamphlet in his hand and goes to schmooze some other cycler.

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