Chapter 1

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There was knocking on my door that woke me up.

"Come in," I mumbled, turning and facing the door, still buried in my blanket.

"Hey angel, get up. We have to wake up Bella for her birthday." Dad said quietly but enough where I could hear him. I sat up and smiled.

"Coming!" I chirped and he nodded, removing his head from poking in. I jumped out of bed, pulled my shorts on, and went over to Bella's door.

"Oh wait." I rushed back into my room and grabbed her birthday present, rushing back to her room.

"Okay, ready." I smiled at dad, and he nodded knocking on her door then opening it. Bella and I might not be on the best of terms still but it is her birthday, and she is my sister! I'm gonna do my best today to make it a great day for her.

"Happy birthday," Dad said in a slightly happier tone than his normal monotonous one.

"Happy birthday!" I screamed pushing past him and jumping onto her bed right by her feet.

"I thought we agreed, no presents," she said, nodding down to the presents in dad's hand and smiling at the one in my lap.

"Well, the one from me's not wrapped, so it doesn't count," he said smiling and handing it to her. It's a new light pink camera with a little pink bow on top. I smiled, I helped him choose that one. She's not really a pink type of girl but it suits her.

"That's actually great. Thanks, dad," she smiled at him after she looked at it.

"It goes with this one from your mom. We Coordinated. Well, she coordinated me." he said and I giggled, That's so like them. She opened it and he explained what it was for.

"It's to put your pictures in from senior year..." he sighed looking out the window.

"Senior year. And junior year. How did you both get so old so fast?" he asked, looking to both of us. I smiled and shrugged, time is a tricky bug. Bells didn't seem to like that rhetorical question.

"I didn't. It's not that old."

"I don't know. Is that a gray hair?" Dad asked, going to pick a piece of her hair.

"I think it is. Oh, I see another one," I teased, going to mess with her hair as well, but she flung herself out of bed to her mirror.

"No. No way." she was freaking out. she sighed looking at us with a 'that wasn't funny face,' and dad and I put our hands up laughing a little.

"Happy birthday," he said again with a smirk as he left the room.

"That's really funny," she said and rolled her eyes.

"I know. We are just comedians. Now open my gift!" I said shoving my gift into her hands.

"It's a new diary! I figured along with the pictures from senior year you can write about what the picture means, or how that day was, or you know whatever you want, it's yours. The tree symbolizes your roots and branches, family, friends, everything that makes you, you." I smiled as she inspected it.

"It's perfect. Thank you." She said bringing me into a hug. I smiled even bigger hugging her back.

"We have school," she said, pulling away and putting her gifts up.

"Uh-huh yeah, I'll be quick to get ready." I finished lacing up my converse just as Bells knocked once on my door letting me know she's going to the truck.

*in the truck*

"Thank you." I sighed after she changed the station from the local news to a song. Hearing about death still happening in town makes my stomach turn.

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