chapter seventeen

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JACKIE STARED AT the rosebud-painted ceiling as she laid on the periwinkle bedsheets in her childhood bedroom

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....JACKIE STARED AT the rosebud-painted ceiling as she laid on the periwinkle bedsheets in her childhood bedroom. She was home for Christmas once again and she had yet to see her Father in the five days that she had been home. She was awfully glad of it all the same. Her only company laid in the hands of the housekeeper Charlotte and her favorite house elf Figgy.

Her day's at the Harmon Manor consisted of staying in bed until the afternoon, reading at least one novel per day and only ever leaving her room to eat. She never thought she would miss being constantly busy at school but she couldn't bear another day of doing absolutely nothing.

Her trunk laid at the end of her bed, still not unpacked. She had hoped that leaving her stuff in there might make the days pass quicker and the return to Hogwarts come closer but it didn't. All it did was serve as a reminder of where she really wanted to be and condemn her to wearing wrinkled clothes for the rest her stay at home.

Her quiet contemplation was quite suddenly interrupted by the loud 'crack!' of elf apparition. Figgy appeared in her room, an old dishcloth tied around her tiny waist.

"Mistress Jacqueline! Master Harmon is saying to Figgy to fetch Mistress for breakfast. Master is saying Figgy must make haste! Master is not liking to wait on Mistress very long-" The elf babbled, tripping over her words in her effort to convey the message.

Jackie gave the elf a kind smile and nodded sagely at her, slipping out of bed and into her dressing gown. "Alright Figgy, Just give me a second and I'll be down." She told her, turning to her school trunk and rustling through her clothes.

"Oh but Mistress!" the nervous elf cried. "Master is not having too much patience. He is saying to come right away. Figgy is having to be punished if she is not obeying."

Jackie scowled very deeply at that. She did not agree one bit with how her Father treated the house elves and certainly wouldn't stand for that sort of behavior while she was at home.

Jackie knelt down the elf's eye level and laid a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I forbid you to punish yourself on my account Figgy. My father will have to wait. And if he tries to make you punish yourself, you tell him that I commanded you not to."

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