chapter twenty-eight

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....WHEN JACKIE AWOKE, she found that she was no longer in an alleyway in Hogsmeade and was instead tucked away inside scratchy blankets in the Hospital Ward. It had turned dark outside by now and she wasn't sure how long she had been asleep for.

Upon turning her head to the side, she was met with the sight of Sirius Black by her bedside, his long dark hair obscuring his face as he slept soundly.

Others might have thought he looked peaceful in sleep. Instead, Jackie reached out and flicked him on the forehead sharply, waking him up with a start.

"Ow!" He grumbled, sitting up in the chair and rubbing his forehead. "What was that for?"

"You were drooling." Jackie lied, sporting a mischievous smirk. "It was nauseating."

"Go back to sleep." Sirius groused, settling back down into his chair again. "You're much more agreeable like that." He murmured, his eyes closing again.

Jackie sat up in her bed stubbornly and pushed the sheets down to the bottom of the bed. Sitting next to a slumbering Sirius Black in the hospital wing wasn't her idea of taking action. But as soon as her feet had hit the chilly, stone floor and she had made it into a standing position, a strong hand flew out to grip at her wrist firmly.

"Absolutely not." Sirius snapped, tugging her back towards the bed. "Don't even think about it."

"Why not?" Jackie objected, trying to free her hand from his firm grip. "I'm perfectly fine!"

Sirius yanked her back down into a sitting position on the rickety hospital bed and gave her a stern look that seemed all the more threatening when it came from his steely grey eyes.

"You are not perfectly fine." He admonished, staring her down. "Benny has been deliriously shouting about Cruciatus Curses appearing from thin air while you've been drugged up with Sleeping Potions for the past two days,-" He began raring up for a long rant.

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