The Polo Match

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It was the beginning of a new Summer in the Hamptons. And that meant the beginning of a season full of parties for the Graysons and all their friends. Maybe friends wasn't the best word. Maybe acquaintances would have been a better word.

This summer, like all the ones before and all the ones after, started off with the polo match which as always, the young Grayson boy competed in. It was a pretty shaky time for him, as it reminded him of where he first asked Emily Thorne out. While he wasn't mad at her for breaking things off, he couldn't be, she had been right after all, he was still deeply saddened by the fact that they were no longer together. He would have actually done anything to have saved their relationship, he was convinced that she was his one true love.

He tried to shake off those thoughts. He was with Ashley now. But it was hard to shake off those thoughts when the beautiful blonde was standing in the midst of the VIP section.

He couldn't possibly understand why she would be here. After their breakup, he thought that she would have wanted to competely cut off ties with his family. She had always wanted him to be his own man, and to make his distance from him and his family. His mother had never approved of her, she hated the man he was turning into which was like his father so that just left Charlotte. And she wasn't even here.

Well that girl WAS always full of surprised he chuckled to himself as the siren signalled the game's start. He just had to make sure he played better than he did last year.


As Emily Thorne walked back from the betting booth, she was still a little unsure of just what she was doing. SHE was the one who had broken off things with Daniel. Sure she had done it to be with Jack, and then Jack had chosen Amanda, but why had she turned up here, and more importantly, why had she bet on Daniel again?

Last year she had done it to impress him, but she had no need to impress him now. He was with Ashley now.

Although she knew both Daniel and Ashley. She knew the relationship was extremely one-sided. Ashley was madly in love with Daniel, but Daniel felt very little towards Ashley. Enough to keep her around and bring her as a date but that was about it.

The second reason that she didn't need to impress Daniel was that he was already incredibly impressed with her. He made that very clear last summer. She could tell that he was still madly in love with her, a feeling that would probably never go away. That was something that she would use to her advantage.

She looked out at the field and saw Daniel making eye contact with her. The game was starting. And not being too cocky, but she had a feeling that her attendance made him strive even harder. She wondered why he was still trying to impress her. Maybe he wanted her back. Now that was a thought that she didn't actually mind. She had to fight herself not to show it though.

She looked at Daniel and saw that he wasn't doing too well. And just to her left she saw Ashley giving her an evil glare. Wow, she really needs to learn subtlety. But the other thought that popped into her head was of Ashley's jealousy. Her thoughts were interrupted as the buzzer sounded for the end of half time.


Daniel was shocked to see the blonde walking towards him. While he was completely unaware of her reason for being here today, he was even more shocked to see that she was coming out to talk to him. They hadn't really talked since the night.... He shuddered just thinking about it. It was not a good thing to dwell in the past.

As Emily wandered over, she still wasn't sure of what she was doing. It was more of an impulse decision. But she had to talk to Daniel and clear the air. Yeah, that's what she was doing she convinced herself.

As they wandered closer together, they found themselves having a conversation, not straying too far from last Summer.

'Hey Daniel.'

'Hello Emily.'

'Rough start again, huh.'

'Yeah.' Daniel chuckled. He can definitely see why he fell madly in love with this girl. Her beautiful golden locks, her beady brown eyes- snap out of it, he warned himself. Concentrate on what she's saying. You're with Ashley.

'Emily, what are you doing here.' He asks. He has to know why she was here before he gets himself all worked up over nothing. Could she have been here to see him- snap out of it he had to remind himself again. Just listen.

'I'm not too sure' she replied. And to be truthful, she wasn't. 'I had to make sure that you were alright. I heard that the breakup hit you really hard and I wanted to apologise. I wanted to make sure that you were alright after everything that happened with Charlotte, and everything that almost happened to your mother. I wanted to let you know that you can still talk to me about anything.' And she honestly meant it.

Daniel was taken aback at what Emily said. He was not expecting that. To be honest, he wasn't exactly sure what he was expecting from Emily. To know that he could confide in anything to her again really meant something. He looked up at her again and could tell that she wasn't joking. She was being dead serious. Which is what made her that much hotter. Oh my gosh. You are with Ashley now. Why was this so hard for him to remember. He tried to glance back at Ashley to give him reassurance but she had disappeared.

'Thankyou Emily.' He replied. He knew he had to say something. 'I really appreciate it. And I want you to know whatever happens between us and with my parents, I will still always be honest with you.'

He started thinking back to the Senator's party where they had promised that they would always be honest with each other. He realised that neither of them had kept that promise. Whilst Emily hadn't lied about Jack, she didn't admit it to him, and he didn't tell her about David Clarke, or what Tyler had said about her on the beach. Reflecting on this, he realised just how hectic the last Summer had been. Tears were nearly rolling down his face now.

Emily felt so bad for hurting him. This was never part of the plan. Daniel had never been a target. As usual, she had hurt people that she hadn't meant to. ''Friends?' She held out her hand.

'Friends.' He confirmed for her. Stepping down from his horse to give her a hug.

As Emily was heading off she turned back and called out to him, 'Oh and if it helps, I made a bet that you'd win.'

Daniel chuckled to himself. Somethings really do never change.


'Hey Ash.'

Ashley turned around to see the Hamptons blonde billionaire looking face to face with her. She had never been fond of Nolan Ross, especially not after what had happened between him and Tyler.

'Nolan what do you want. I'm working.'

'Hmmm so I see. So you and Danny-boy now, huh.'

'Mmhmm.' She replies. For once, she has an interest in what Nolan has to say. She is madly in love with Daniel, and has no intention of hiding it. she is so happy. And just a teensy bit jealous of Emily Thorne. She saw the way Daniel looked at her. Not once had he looked at her the same way. She was a bit confused. She hadn't cheated on him. Yet after their breakup, Daniel still cared for Emily more than he did for her.

'So how did you overtake Ems?' Nolan questions, jolting Ashley back to reality.

'There really wasn't much to it, Ashley replies. She cheated on him.'

'Whaaat?' Nolan is really confused. Why would Ems tell Ashley something and not him. This must have been what ended her and Danny's relationship. This was something he had to learn the details for.

'What happened? Who? How do you know this?' Nolan questions Ashley for answers.

'It happened shortly before the plane exploded. Emily and Jack Porter were kissing. Now don't tell Emily this, but I saw them kissing through Emily's window, when I was going to talk to her. Now if that concludes the Q and A session for today, I have to get back to work.'

Ashley walks off smugly.

Whoa, Nolan thinks to himself. Now this is a piece of gossip I have to hear from the Revenge queen herself.

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