ஜ Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Baby?" Jaemin raised a brow as he answered his ringing cellphone after two rings and seeing the contact name of his boyfriend, Kitten💞🥺, and answered it the next second.

He was sitting up on his bed, messy hair on display in the slightly dark room that's only lit up by his lamp while he was not to mention, shirtless.

He had just gotten back home from set two hours ago and he bought drive in from McDonald's for Jieun and him to eat for dinner as he was tired as well.

Right about now, he was about to finish rehearsing and memorizing his lines for the scene they're going to film tomorrow and sleep afterwards.

That is until, Jeno called.

The other boy's voice seemed muffled and in a whisper while Jaemin decided to turn the call on speaker mode to hear his boyfriend better.

"Nana." Jeno said again, another slight muffle but a bit louder, he must've whispered through the mic really close because Jaemin could hear him panting heavily.

"Yes? What's wrong? Is everything alright?" Jaemin frantically asked as he grabbed the first (probably dirty) shirt he could snatch nearby and puts it on hastily.

Another sigh as Jeno whispered again, "my client..." He paused as Jaemin could hear a few shuffling from the other line.

He waits until the shuffling stopped and a small thud echoed through the call while Jeno could only mutter a cuss.

He guesses Jeno must've moved to another spot, distancing himself away from his supposed client and to have privacy whilst on the call with his boyfriend.

"Yes? What about him? Did he do something?" Jaemin asked grabbing his car keys and ready to jolt up from his seat on the bed so he could rush towards Jeno's apartment.

Jieun was fast asleep in her room with Jen inside as well, keeping her company along with the nightlight she had on.

"Not exactly..." Jeno drawls and paused for a moment making Jaemin feel more anxious and fighting the urge to just go there at 11:02 pm.

"Baby, tell me exactly what's happening. Do I need to come over?" He asked rubbing his temples as he began stressing out on his boyfriend's safety.

The other line went silent for moment until Jeno answered, "just pick me up and I'll stay the night there." He said hastily.

Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows in suspicion, "why not me staying there instead?" He asked.

"Jaemin, Jieun would be left alone." Jeno deadpanned on the other line as the blond could imagine the boy's face.

"I can bring her with." He suggested as he already began walking out of his room and lifting a loose fist to knock on his daughter's bedroom door.

Hearing a long exhale from Jeno, Jaemin grinned when the said boy mumbled. "Fine, but just hurry up. It's a Tuesday tomorrow."

Without further arguments, Jaemin quickly opened the bedroom door of Jieun's, not even startling the little girl who's a heavy sleeper, and shook her lightly.

Jieun grunted and harshly pulled the blanket over to cover half of her face as her plushie fell on the yellow carpet floor.

"Jiji wake up," the blond adult whispered as he only got a small groan as a reply.

He sighed before tapping Jieun's, he supposed, head while he glances at his phone to check the time. "Wake up, Ji. We're going to Papa's."

By his words, Jieun woke up and rubbed her eyes with a yawn as she blinked tiredly, "Papa's?" She asked in a murmur.

With a nod, Jieun opened her arms out towards her father, lazily demanding the man to carry her around since she's tired and had been disturbed midway somewhere on her cool dream.

Rolling his eyes, Jaemin picked up her up as he rushes them out to the car, not forgetting to lock the door and ignoring Jen's tired barking at them.

Jaemin sighed in relief when the door opened revealing his pretty boyfriend that was only in pajamas and a purple robe covering him from the cold weather.

He frowned when he saw the look Jeno have him, as if he had just saved his life, but at the same time, came to a wrong moment or something.

"Is everything good? What's happening?" He asked as he greeted the red haired boy with a peck on the forehead.

Jeno smiled a little and glances behind him, "my client tonight won't leave. He's supposed to be gone four hours ago, and I'm supposed to be asleep." He grumbled.

Jaemin finally grasps at the situation thanks to his boyfriend's obvious irritated words and also takes a sneak peek behind the said boy.

He saw a glimpse of a shirtless man, walking around with a glass of water as the sound of the television being turned on echoed inside Jeno's once peaceful apartment.

He turns back to the restless red haired boy who blinked tiredly like how Jieun did a few moments ago, but like, more... Tired and cute. He didn't say that.

He huffed as he smiled briefly at his tired lover, "hold her for me please. I have to deal with a midnight errand." He said.

Being in a restless and sort of half asleep condition, Jeno could only nod as he gladly took a hold of Jieun gently, careful not to disturb her deep sleep. Again.

Jaemin went inside as he didn't hesitate to grab the half drunken glass of water out of the stranger's grasp.

"I'm not really in the mood right now especially of how you just came in here like you live here, but Imma kindly ask you to leave." He retorts.

The man raised a brow, "whomst the fuck are yo- wait aren't you Na Jaemin?" He stopped midway of his supposed comeback or whatever with a sarcastic chuckle.

The blond glared and crossed his arms, "and what if I am?" He said with his aura now more confident and intimidating.

Jeno's client glanced at the red haired boy who was holding a sleeping little girl while he stood near the door, avoiding eye contact.

"Nothing," he chirped as he eyed the tired boy.

Then he turns back to Jaemin with a small shrug before, kid you not, saying aloud and shamelessly. "I just didn't expect for a high quality actor to be with a desperate slut."

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