ஜ Chapter Eighteen

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Jeno smiles greeting his students like always, arranging and preparing things for later on in today's class for them to do and learn.

He pauses seeing Jieun enter with her small pout whilst her father stood behind her rolling his eyes.

Chuckling at the sight, Jeno strides over to the father and daughter duo playing innocent and dumbfounded. "What's wrong Jieunnie?" He crouches down to the little girl's level.

Jieun huffed and pointed an accusing finger to her father, "daddy wasn't too nice with doggy Jen this morning. He didn't give her more food."

Her words made Jeno raise a brow. His question lingering on the tip of his tongue deciding to ask it later, he glances at Jaemin who again looked betrayed.

Standing up, the red haired patted Jieun's head gesturing her towards her usual table, "I'll have a talk with your daddy okay? Go ahead darling, class will start in a few minutes." He smiled sweetly.

Jieun beams at him before turning to her father sticking her tongue out making the man scoff, "bleh~"

Jeno laughed at their bond before crossing his arms to Jaemin who furrowed his eyebrows, "what?" The blond bluntly said dumbfounded.

He sighed pulling the elder by his bicep and blushed when Jaemin purposely flexed making his muscles go even more obvious.

They stood somewhere around the corner near one of the janitor closets as Jaemin leaned against the wall on his side chuckling, "so are you just going to take my daughter's side like always?" He sneered.

Jeno rolled his eyes, "you took a cheating bitch's side over your "boyfriend" back in highschool, we're pretty much even here." He bit back.

"Oh come on, didn't we set that shit aside?" The elder whined looking defeated and nervous at the same time.

His complaint made the younger snicker, "so you thought, we didn't properly addressed it. I just let you off and stuff," he shrugged.

Jaemin sighed and tilts his head his arms crossed against his chest with a cheeky grin, "so what did you really pull me over here Lee Jeno?" He drawls.

Said boy looks away fumbling with the hem of his sweater, suddenly he started sweating as the atmosphere got hot. Maybe the man in front of him is the reason.

"I don't know what you're talking about," the red haired mumbled out earning a chuckle from the elder.

Jaemin hums, "sure, I know Jieun's complaint about me isn't the real reason why you dragged me around the corner when we could've just talked there." He said.

"Privacy reasons," was Jeno's excuse trying to wait for the right moment.

The blond bit his lip scanning the red haired's frame, the boy looked small and shy. Just like back then.

"What kind of privacy reasons hm?" He continued to sneer with a teasing hum fighting the urge to laugh.

Suddenly, Jeno turned back to him with a different gaze, more confident than the previous shy and nervous one.

His straightened his posture and grabbed Jaemin by the collar of his shirt abruptly. Pulling the elder towards himself as he bit back a wince when his back hits the concrete wall.

Realationship {The Sequel } ஜ ∫ JaemJen【✔】 Where stories live. Discover now