Ignoring me 🥀

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>two best friends who have feelings but haven't admitted it. Taehyung was confused about his feelings and began to push the younger away, which hurt Jungkook. What will happen when Jungkook thought he heard Tae talk about him to someone else?<
Mentions of-

Hey Tae, how are you?
Sent 18:09

Hey, I'm good, how are you?
Sent 22:46

I'm good as well, I'm sorry we haven't been talking lately, I guess we both have busy lives these past few weeks

Yeah I'm sorry too, I've been barely been messaging anyone recently, I've just had a few things going on, I need to figure it all out

I'm so sorry, Tae you could have said something, I'm always here for you. Keep your head up ❤️

Thank you, it means a lot, gtg I'll talk to you later

Okay yeah, bye Tae, take care
Sent 23:01

Jungkook and Taehyung have been best friends for 2 years now. They were inseparable. They would spend all their time at school together, they'd go to each other's houses all the time, they were very close. Not only that Jungkook liked Taehyung, well more like loved Taehyung. The way Taehyung would call him sweet names and praise him, made Jungkook all mushy. But he's been too scared to tell Taehyung, he keeps getting mixed signals from him, and it's very confusing. Sometimes he would kiss Jungkook's head and cuddle him. But he'd get so close, that their faces were only inches away, but before they could even edge even closer he would move away quickly and pretend nothing happened. It disappointed Jungkook but he didn't want to say anything.

Recently their friendship has been distant, Taehyung was distant. It would take him hours, or even days for him to respond. But Jungkook knew something was up, he would see that Taehyung was active on Snapchat, but he wouldn't reply to his snap until hours later. He didn't want to sound petty but it was really bothering him. He couldn't understand what he's done wrong. He's been pretty lonely. He's had no one to talk to, Tae was the person he had spent 2 years with 24/7 and all of a sudden it stopped.


It was the next day and Jungkook was walking to school. He saw Taehyung in the distance, he was standing in the spot they'd always meet at. Jungkook felt hope, hope that Tae finally wanted to fix things. But that was until he saw Tae started waving at someone, someone who wasn't him. Taehyung displayed a huge smile on his face and wrapped his arm around the unknown person's neck, before they headed in.

Jungkook stopped in his tracks and felt his heart slowly breaking. He wasn't jealous, he was happy that Tae was finding new friends, but he felt forgotten. Maybe Taehyung had gotten bored of Jungkook. Jungkook didn't want to let go, not now not ever, he was scared.
Jungkook felt tears forming in his eyes. He flipped his hood up, covering his face and walked into the school. He kept his head down and walked to his lesson. As he walked to the classroom he saw Taehyung standing with the unfamiliar person, laughing. He slowly walked past and heard them talking.
"I don't want to talk to him, he's so annoying, like give me a break for god sake" Jungkook heard Taehyung say with a hint of anger in his voice.

Jungkook felt his heart break again, his mind overflowed with toxic thoughts. Was Tae talking about him? Was he the one Tae was calling annoying? Jungkook couldn't understand, nothing happened for them to become so distanced.

Jungkook ran to the bathroom, pushing through people on his way there. Tears flowed down his face as he stood in front of he sink. He grabbed the sides so tight, his knuckles went pure white. Jungkook screamed out as tears swallowed him up. His heart was erratic, he couldn't breathe properly. Bell had already rang, but there was no way Jungkook could go to class and sit next to him.

He picked his bag up and walked down the empty corridor, going to his locker. He opened it up and saw the inside of the door covered in pictures of him and Tae. Jungkook looked at them and traced his finger over the pictures. His heart physically ached. Just seeing how happy they were and now everything is all messed up.
He slid down the lockers and fell to the floor holding his knees to his chest. He cried into his legs, feeling like he messed everything up. Jungkook felt suffocated, and sick; he didn't like this feeling.


Jungkook heard a familiar voice. He thought it was in his head but he heard it again and it was much clearer. Jungkook slowly looked up and saw the man he's been crying about standing in front of him.
"What's wrong?" Taehyung said with a soft voice.
Jungkook couldn't form any words, he just cried again.
"P-please don't make it worse... you don't need to pretend anymore, I know how you feel about me" Jungkook sobbed.
"W-what do you mean?" Taehyung asked a bit off guard.
"I-I know you're bored of me! Please, Taehyung. You've done enough, if you don't want me around you could of have just said something instead of ignoring me. Do you know how that feels? Every night I messaged you to make sure you were okay, and it would take you hours to respond, but you were active! You were ignoring me. I don't know what I've done, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry okay. Just please stop hurting me" Jungkook screamed, making Taehyung flinch slightly.

He'd never seen Jungkook like that before. Jungkook has never shouted at him before not even once. Now Taehyung couldn't even speak. He was shocked, he never even realised Jungkook felt like he was ignoring him.
"Jungkook that's not true" Taehyung sighed heavily.
"Then tell me, why- why have you been ignoring me?" Jungkook screamed again.
"Because I fucking love you Jungk00k! I love you go and I couldn't understand why I loved my best friend so much, I didn't want to lose the friendship we have. But that just resulted in me pushing you away. I didn't want to screw things up, I didn't want to lose you Jungkook. But I love you so much" Taehyung yelled, with tears in his eyes.
"Y-you l-love me? Do you mean it? I thought you found me annoying, I heard you this morning with that guy" Jungkook wiped his tears with the back of his hand as he stood up.
"More than anything, I love you. I want to kiss you, hug you, be there for you when you're sad. Obviously I'm not doing a great job. But Jungkook I love you more than anything. Also I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about my dad! We got in a argument.
Please forgive me I didn't mean to hurt you" Taehyung said wiping his face looking at the younger.

Jungkook nodded and ran to him, jumping onto him. Taehyung caught him and wrapped his arms around the boy securely.
"Please don't ignore me anymore" Jungkook sobbed into Tae's neck.
"I'm sorry koo I won't, I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to, I love you" Taehyung held him even closer, if that was even possible.
"I love you too, I missed you" Jungkook nuzzled into the elders skin, taking in his favourite scent.
"You do?" Taehyung gasped.
"Of course silly, I've loved you ever since I met you. It didn't help that we would be so close to kissing and you'd pull away" Jungkook giggled softly.
"I'm sorry baby, I just didn't want to ruin anything" Taehyung pouted, annoyed with himself.
"I know I was only playing, how about we try again?" Jungkook suggested pulling out his neck gently.
"Hm I like the sound of that"
Jungkook smiled and crashed his lips against Tae's. Jungkook held the back of Tae's neck, running his fingers through his hair.

After 2 years they finally kissed, the feeling they both had been craving but too scared to feel, was finally happening. They loved it, everything finally clicked. They pulled away and smiled happily at one another.
"Will you be my boyfriend?" Taehyung asked sweetly.
"Of course I will" Jungkook giggled happily.
"Well we should probably go to class" Taehyung chuckled.
"As long as you don't leave me and sit next to that person from this morning!" Jungkook pouted.
"Oh he's only a friend baby"
"I know I was only joking" Jungkook smiled and hugged Tae's neck tight as he walked them to class.

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