Chapter VIII

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Her hands were splayed on the fur rug that she had placed over the cobble floor of her room, her nose had to touch the soft fabric with each push-up. Her shoulder burned as she lowered her body towards the ground. 28 . Her jaw clenched as she pushed herself up into her original position before lowering herself down again. 29 . She cursed under her breath, her shoulder screamed for her to stop, she didn't listen and lowered herself again. 30 . Her arms soon gave out and she collapsed against the fur rug , gripping her shoulder gently.

Korra sighed and propped herself onto her healthy arm, her muscles tensing as she placed her wounded arm behind her back. If she can't do it with both arms , she'll do it with one. She grunted as she lowered her body again, all of her body weight applied to her wrist. 31 . She had been out of practice for a few days, thanks to that soldier who landed a pellet in her shoulder. 32 . She had never really been shot before, now that she knew how it felt she hoped she'd never get shot again. 33 . She now knew how dangerous they could be if the pellet landed in the right area. 34 . She needed to get Kai one, killing Mr Sato would be child's play if she had a hold of one of them. 35 . However they were quite big, it would easier to smuggle a bow into town . 36 . Perhaps there were smaller versions of the Sato weapon.

Korra paused for a moment, catching her breath. She moved her wrist around in a circular motion before placing it against the rug again. 37 . Kuvira would definately go against the idea of her roaming around the city, espeically trying to steal something from a Sato guard. 38 . She would give it back to them of course, but that was only after they had studied the weapon thoroughly. 39 . Another grunt escaped her lips as she felt her muscles beginning to fatigue. She'll have to talk to Zaheer about her plans. 40 . That was enough for today; the small woman got to her feet and stretched her arms out, satisfied when she felt her triceps pull. She grabbed her shirt and pulled it over her toned torso.

She knelt down and begun to roll up the fur rug and placed it upright next to her bed. Her eyes falling on her closed chest. She released a sad smile from her lips as she opened the chest; taking out the small tin again. She stroked her finger down the family photo in her hands, tears building up in her eyes. The poor woman could remember everything she did with her parents. How supportive her mother was when she successfully hit the target with a bow and arrow . How her father cheered when she rode a horse for the first time. Little Korra didn't realise she was making memories back then. That was all she had left of them now , memories and this photo.

Korra wiped her tear stained cheek as the door to her room opened.
"I apologise for being gone for so long again." Kuvira moved into the room and shut the door behind her. She unbuttoned her coat and looked at her friend with concern.
"Hey are you alright?"

Korra blinked the remaining tears away, not wanting to break down in front of Kuvira.
"Yes, yes."

Kuvira sighed, that was a lie and she knew it. The taller woman took a seat next to her and looked at Korra's family photo. Even though it was in black and white, she could clearly see the feautures of her parents in the photo.
"You have the same eyes as your mother."

Korra smiled.
"I had the same colour as hers too. So blue." She managed to splutter out, the lump in her throat growing.
"Senna, her name was."

Kuvira smiled at the name, as her eyes travelled onto the man in the photo. A bulky man, Korra's father.
"You get your muscles from your father."

Korra laughed, letting a stray tear trickle down her cheek.
"I have his quick temper too."
The green eyed woman let out a small chuckle as she reached into her pocket, pulling out the two apples that Opal gave her earlier. She held them out to Korra for her to take them. Korra looked at the apples and then to her friend, letting the tears fall freely. She gently placed the photo back into the tin and pulled Kuvira into a tight embrace.
"They would've loved you Kuvira."

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