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As the weeks dragged on and wedding preparations slowly came together, I began losing my mind. I mean. I knew that it was going to be a huge time commitment when Jeremy asked me to be one of his best men, but I didn't know how physically and emotionally taxing planning a wedding was going to be. Especially my sister's wedding.

Don't get me wrong, I love my big sister and believe she is the best sister. Ever. But. She was so indecisive. Pink or blue? Brownies or cupcakes? Sandwiches or crab puffs? Heels or flats? She couldn't decide and changed her mind once an hour. We would spend hours in a dress shop, cake store or gathered around the kitchen table. At one such meeting about a week before the wedding was to take place, we were discussing the table placement.

" But should the napkin rings be gold or silver?" Candace wailed. I tired looking Jeremy, took her hand gently.

" Candace does it really matter? It will look beautiful whatever color we have." He soothed gently. Candace turned to him.

" But it does matter! The napkin rings must not clash with the theme of the wedding!" She cried. Isabella who looked like she was half asleep stood up.

" Candace, your wedding colors are pink and green. The table cloth is pale pink with golden flower designs. I believe the gold napkin rings would match beautifully with the theme colors." She explained patiently. Candace looked at her for a long time, mulling over her words.

" You know you're right... Gold it is!" She said standing up and closing the near exploding binder. She ran and hugged Isabella.

" Youre the best! Thank you Isabella!" She said. Isabella gave a smile

" Anytime Candace." Candace pulled away.

" Alright let's call it a day! See you guys on Monday?" She chirped  happily. I sighed and stood up. Candace flounced out of the room with Jeremy by her side. Stacy and Coltrane walked out together, leaving me and Isabella. Isabella was slumped down, face down on the table. I walked over to her chair and poked her shoulder.

" You dead?" I asked playfully. She grumbled something unintelligible. I snickered.

" I have no clue what you just said." I laughed. She lifted her head up and gave me a glare.

" Yes, smarty pants. I'm dead. Dead tired." She said, slumping back down. I frowned. She really was exhausted.

"Hey. Come on you should get home and sleep." I said gently pulling her up to a sitting position. She sighed dramatically and stood up.

She grabbed my hand and I led her out the front door. Once we were outside she stopped. I glanced down and saw her staring up at the stars.

" You ok?" I asked. She glanced at me.

" Yeah. I guess." She mumbled, sitting down on the porch steps.  I sat down next to her and she Slumped against my side.

" I'm tired Phin. These past few weeks have been ridiculous. Helping Candace and working. I just need to get away... But I guess I'll have to wait till after the wedding." She admitted. I frowned again. I didn't like seeing her like this. I stared at the stars. Suddenly I had an idea.

" Hey. Isabella, I have an idea. What if we went hiking tomorrow? We could get away? And it would just be the two of us?" I suggested. She pulled her head off my shoulder and glanced up at me. Her blue eyes reflecting the light from the porch light.

" Really!? Yes! I would love to!" She said, hugging me and pressing her face into my chest. I laughed.

" Great. I'll pick you up at 10? Give you some time to sleep in?" I said. She laughed.

The hurricane (Phinbella) completeWhere stories live. Discover now