chapter 5

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Y/N pov:

The next few days I spent getting to know a lot more people, I became pretty close with a lot of them. Especially jack, sykkuno and corpse. I spent hours on calls with them, and at this point its getting a little difficult to deny the effect that corpse has on me. Its not only his voice, he is so sweet and funny, just honestly easy to talk to. I still keep private with them but they are fine with it which at first was a little surprising but i'm glad they understand.

I woke up in my bed at 10am due to the fact that last night me and corpse stayed on a call till 2am. Today me, jack, sykkuno and corpse were planning on playing phasmophobia. I really like horror games but I'm awful at them, I don't like jumpscares but i guess its entertaining to hear me die. I then heard a notification from discord.




Good morning :)

Morning :)

How'd you sleep?

Eh, not bad. U?

Pretty good. I actually wanted to ask you a question.

Yea sure, wassup?

I know you like your privacy and stuff but we are in the same timezone so i was wondering where you live? No pressure to answer tho :)

Thats a lil creepy dude

Oh i'm so sorry i just wanted to know if we lived close...

No no no! I'm sorry that was a joke 😂 I live in san diego, you??

I hate you sometimes

You know you love me



Fine, but anyways I also live in san diego.

Oh wow, haha.... We could have ran into each other without even knowing it.

Woah haha


You know what, imma be bold!


So umm since we live in the same city maybe we could hang out sometime, only if your comfortable with it :)

We totally should! That would be so fun.


When and where would you wanna do this?

Hmmmm, we could meet at a cafe near my apartment like anytime this week.

Ok cool, i'm free Tuesday. whats the cafe called?

c/n (cafe name cuz i'm lazy)

Oh cool, i was just there a few days ago 😅

No way haha, its just across the street from my apartment.

Its like a short drive from mine....what if we actually have run into each other before.

That would be insane lol.

Yeah haha.

Well I should probably go take a shower and get ready.

Yeah same, ttyl when we play phasmophobia!



Well that just happened, I cannot believe I just planned to hang out with him! Neither of us know what the others look like. He will be the first online friend to know what I look like. Wow, great job y/n, now you have to meet your crush and he will hate you because you aren't pretty. (you are beautiful💖 )  

A/n: I know these chapters are kinda short but I promise I update a lot! anyways have a lovely day/night bubs:)

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