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_-_-Continuation of Danielly's POV-_-_

All I heard was a faint shout coming from different people.

"Drop her!"

"You're under arrest!"

"You are surrounded!
Put your hands up!

And I heard the last words from a familiar male, Dylan, "I like you Danielly, even though we don't know much about each other. The first time I saw you, I fell for you. I know you can't hear me clear enough or not hear me at all! Thank you tho." Dylan confessed.

He places me on the ground and left me there.

_-_-_-_-End of Danielly's POV-_-_-_-_

Few days passed by...

Danielly walk in front of Charlie's doorstep, ringing the doorbell and expecting to see Charlie or anyone honestly, yet no one opened the door. She rang the doorbell quite a few times and leave a knock on the door, but no response. It was dead silent, all you can hear is the air wandering around.

She was about to leave a someone grabs her by the wrist. "If you're looking for Charlie, he is in the Police station with your mom and Jer", Danielly looks in the direction of the person who was speaking...it was Owen.

"What are you doing here?" Danielly asked, "Your mom told me to look after you when they left, they left since they were taken by the police for inspection. To you know, ask questions." Owen replied, Danielly slowly nods and looks away.

"We can stay at my place! How about that?" Owen's face lighted up, "Oh yeah, sure." Said Danielly looking back at Owen. Danielly is highly strung thinking her mom is in danger or something, Owen notices and gave Danielly a confronting hug "It will be okay. They will come back".

"I'll drive us to my house, or do you want to take a walk there?" Owen asked, "I'd like to take a walk instead" Danielly replied, Owen respects Danielly's idea and decided to take a walk with her.

There was no noise between them. Danielly broke the silence by asking something out of the blue, "You seem familiar, have I met you before?" She faced Owen who was caught staring at her. Owen can't decide whether to say yes or no. Owen shrugged and shakes his head in denial.

Danielly continued to walk while slowly nodding her head.

Danielly suddenly lost her balance and trips on a small rock, Owen bends his knee and was able to catch her before she falls. Their face was so close to each other, Owen's face went red in embarrassment. He lifts Danielly to let her stand on her two feet. "Are you okay?" Owen assured, Danielly nods.

They walk up on Owen's porch and Owen randomly sighed, he grabs the key out of his pockets and unlocks the door. "I'm home!" Owen shouted as he closes and locks the door, Owen's mom runs down the stairs and gave Owen a hug.

She saw Danielly and gave her a glare, she directed Owen to follow her somewhere private. Owen looks at Danielly and told her that he will be back in a minute. Danielly didn't mind.

As they both left, Danielly sat on the couch located in the living room. She faced the wall filled with memories in picture form, she notices something odd. She saw a childhood photo of her...with Owen? Danielly got suspicious and stood up from her seat to check the other pictures. She saw more of her smiling along with Owen as a kid. She got disturbed and sat down on the couch from the living room. She patiently waited for Owen and his mom.

Few minutes have past and Danielly was startled as she heard the keys dangling from outside, someone unlocked the door and opened it, it was another male, but older.

"I'm home-" The male cuts off his words when he saw Danielly, he crosses his arms and asked "What are you doing here huh?", Danielly was clueless and she turned her head in the direction of the voice.

Danielly points at herself and mouthed "Me?", The male sighed and then nods. "Owen practically invited me here..." said Danielly who was starting to fidget since she was nervous.

"Where is Owen?" He asked, "I'm not sure but I think he is talking to his mom?" Danielly responded.

Before leaving, the male gave Danielly a glare and left to find Owen and his wife.

"Why are they glaring at me?!" Danielly thought, "Did I do something to them?! Owen better explain!" Danielly mentally mentioned.


Owen came out of a room with his parents. Owen had a worried face plastered on, he looks back and forth between Danielly and his parents.

He walked up to Danielly and sat beside her, Danielly was confused.

"We gotta go." Owen leans closer to Danielly's ears and whispered, "What happened?" Danielly whispered back, "I'll tell you later." Owen mumbled.

Danielly stood up from her seat and left the house with Owen.

Right when Owen closes the door, Danielly immediately turned to him and ask "You better explain this instant. Why do we have childhood pictures together hanging in your living room? When I asked you if we met before...you shrugged then shook your head.", "Look, I lied! I did, and I'm sorry! I didn't want you to misunderstand. My parents have bad feelings and thoughts about you. I could've told you but you left for Hawaii! That was a long time ago." Owen replied.

Danielly scoffs and walks away. Before she could, Owen grabs her by the wrist and brings her into a hug, Danielly was furious and pushed Owen away.

As she is walking away, Owen shouted "I liked you Danielly! Since we were kids!". Danielly stops her tracks but didn't turn her back. "You could've told me... a long time ago! When I still liked you." Danielly scoffs then leaves.

A tear dropped in Owen's left eye when he heard her say "When I still liked you", he was broken hearing her say that. He wiped the tear out of his face and said "I'm sorry, I could've told you..." with pain in his voice.


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