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Laughs and giggles were all you hear between Danielly, Charlie, Owen, and Jeremy, sadly, Madison can't participate since she is busy with schoolwork.

"COME BACK HEREEE!" Danielly exclaimed reaching for her phone which Charlie has in his hand. Charlie dashes far from Danielly, Danielly bends down on her knees and started to pant.

Charlie stops running and jogs back to Danielly. "You okay?" Charlie laughs, "Can I have my phone now?" Danielly asked, Charlie hands Danielly's phone to her.

Owen and Jeremy were just watching them from afar with a smile, but something is off with Owen's smile... it has a tint of pain. "Wanna go back now?" Charlie asked, Danielly was exhausted to even respond.

Charlie sighed and picked up Danielly bridal style, Danielly was shocked yet she holds on to Charlie. Owen's eyes said it all...pain. You can see the pain he has been through in his eyes, those old "memories" flashes back. Owen tries his best to hold onto his tears. Not only you can see the pain in his eyes, but you can see a bit of jealousy in them as he looks at Charlie carrying Danielly.

Charlie walked all the way to the bench Owen and Jeremy are currently sitting on. He placed Danielly to sit down for her to rest.

"Is anyone hungry or is it just me?" Jeremy asked, everyone started to laugh, "You're not the only one haha" Danielly laughs, "Phew." Said Jeremy in relief. "What do you guys want to eat?" Owen asked, "I don't know, what would you recommend Danielly?" Charlie asks as he looks at Danielly, Danielly shrugged, "How about there?" Said Owen, who was pointing at the nearby small restaurant, everybody nods in agreement.

When they enter the restaurant, the workers greeted them with a bright smile, Danielly and Jeremy smiled back. They take their seats, Jeremy sat beside Owen who sat in front of Danielly, Charlie sat beside Danielly.

The waitress walks up to their table and gives them their menu, "Call me when you guys are ready to order." She said.

As they are deciding their order, someone entered the restaurant and walk up to their table, everyone inside gasps, Danielly, Owen, Charlie, and Jeremy was clueless about who they are.

"HEY, YOU!" Said the male who was shouting directly at Danielly, "Do you know her?!" The male shouted as he pushed a female in front of their table, Danielly eyes widened as she saw who was that female, "Mom?!" Danielly said in shock, "Baby...I'm so sorry..." Quinn apologized, "What do you want from me?!" Danielly yelled at the unknown male, that male and his gang look at each other as they laugh, "I want to have a deal with you." The male yelled out, Danielly gulped nervously, The male pushes Charlie away and sat beside Danielly.

"HEY! LEAVE HER ALONE!" Charlie yelled as he stood up, he was about to stand up for Danielly but the other men of that unknown male grab him and pull him away from Danielly, Owen yelled at the male "Leave.her.alone.NOW!" Said Owen who was trying to get over the table, Owen's hand turns into a fist, ready to punch that male. The male immediately grabs him in the wrist before Owen could punch him, "Nice try." The male scoffs. The male aggressively pushes away Owen's hand and faces Danielly again.

"So. Your mom told me a lot about you, she told me you were brave, smart, kind, and beautiful...I was very interested. Here's the deal, your mom and your friends could stay safe, alright? UNLESS! You date me. Your choice. Or you can do the other way around... we will leave YOU alone but your mom and friends are with us." The male smirked, Danielly rolled her eyes in annoyance, "First of all, how do you even know if I'm her daughter?!" Danielly points at Quinn, "As I said, she talked about you." Said the male, Danielly looks at Quinn who was mouthing "I'm sorry...", "Fine, I'll date you BUT! We should have our boundaries! And privacy! Also space!" Danielly yelled out.

"Ok then! It's official." The male smirked as he places his arm around Danielly's shoulders, Owen, Charlie, and Jeremy were glaring at him, the glare Owen and Charlie gave is deadly.

"You can leave them now." The male said to his men, they soften their grip around Quinn, Charlie, and Owen. Charlie was about to hit the male in the face until Danielly shook her head, Charlie glares at the male once again and aggressively walks out of the restaurant, so did Owen and Jeremy. Danielly slightly pushes the male away and runs to Quinn, "Why." Danielly asked, "He would kill me if I didn't tell him about you since he saw my phone case with you in it." Quinn whispered.

The male grabs Danielly by the waist and pulls her closer to him, "Call me Dylan." He winked, Danielly pushes Dylan away with a disgusted look on her face, "Whatever." Danielly scoffs.

"Let's go folks!" Said Dylan to his men, he pulls Danielly in the waist along with him, Danielly crosses her arms in annoyance and have no choice but to come along with him.

Charlie, Quinn, Owen, and Jeremy stood outside the restaurant staring at Dylan, Danielly, and Dylan's mates. Dylan and Danielly went aside with his mates following him, as they saw Charlie, Quinn, Owen, and Jeremy, his mates push them aside.

As their existence went far away, Charlie screamed in frustration. "WHY HER?! ANYONE IN THIS WORLD COULD BE AS BEAUTIFUL AS DANIELLY!" Charlie yelled out. Owen stood quiet, watching Danielly from afar with pain and hate in his eyes, "That Dylan guy gets on my nerves!" Owen mentally stated, "It's all my fault! I'm so sorry...I shouldn't have talked about her! It was all my fault!" Said Quinn who was starting to tear up, Jeremy comforted her by giving Quinn a hug.

_-_-_-_-Danielly's POV-_-_-_-_

We stop by a massive house, a mansion! Dylan allowed me to explore the WHOLE mansion! When I went to explore, I heard some whispers behind my back, but I decided to ignore them.

I saw a window big enough for me to get through, I am planning to leave this place! I don't feel safe around here.

I opened the window and was about to leave but someone grabs my wrist and pins me against the wall, "Tsk tsk tsk....what are trying to do? Escape? Sadly, you can't." A male clicks his tongue. I look at the male in the eyes to see who it was, it was Dylan.

"Leave me alone!" I shouted trying to get out of Dylan's grip, Dylan went closer to my ear and whispered "No can do miss".

"Aren't you supposed to do things you usually do?!" I exclaimed, "Yeah sure, but I let my mates do it for me" Dylan grins, "At least help them or something!" I said, "I would love to, but I couldn't leave you here...alone" Said Dylan.

Someone walked in and informed Dylan "Sir, there are police surrounding us!", Dylan backs away from me. THIS IS MY CHANCE! I tried getting out the window but Dylan carried me along with him.

"Let's take the helicopter! Call the others!" Dylan said to the guy who walked in. "Are you a bad guy or something? Why are their police surroun-" I asked but was unconscious to even finish my words, Dylan covered my mouth with a piece of clothing which made me faint.

As they reach the rooftop, there were other helicopters surrounding us, but those helicopters were for the police.

_-_-_-_-End of Danielly's POV-_-_-_-_



I decided to update early before school starts again! Welcome to another long chapter! Hope you like it

I apologize for any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes. I was in a rush hehe...

Stay tuned for the next chapter🤭



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