Chapter 13

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The next few weeks were happy. Amber and Henry became an item (Momma and Dad have no idea) JoJo would spend time in the diner while I was working and Henry would fearfully speak to Momma and Dad whenever he wanted to talk to Amber during work. JoJo would get water whenever he came in. Water is free and tea costs a half-penny. Albert, in his rare visits, would buy a seltzer for the same price of tea.

On one particularly busy day, Amber went outside to take out the kitchen trash. JoJo told me that Henry was selling nearby. JoJo was helping out to take orders today. Dad had set him up with waiter clothes that were three sizes too big. 

~Amber's POV~

I grunted as I heaved the awkward garbage bag into the dumpster right near the diner. It clanged when it hit the bottom.

"Amber!" I looked to the front of the alley to see a smiling Henry. A grin spread across my face and I walked to him. When I reached him, he wrapped his arms around me and briefly pressed his lips to mine. "Busy day?"

"Very." I nodded, creating some distance. 

"You need some help?" Henry asked, stretching.

"We've got JoJo in there." I shook my head.

"Oh, well, just holler if you need some extra company." Henry smiled, starting to walk away. I noted that he didn't say 'if you need some extra help'.

"I might just take you up on that." I grinned.

~Brooke's POV~

I was dosed up with a cup of coffee this morning in preparation and was now busily dealing with the oven, mixing different recipes, dusting and cutting, plating, and serving orders. JoJo made his way around the diner, visiting and revisiting customers. 

They eventually dwindled and we closed. I cleaned up my station, feeling exhausted. JoJo was slowly wiping down the tables. It seemed that we were all completely drained. Amber finished cleaning hers before me and joined to help me finish. We all then silently sat down in a booth. I was next to Amber and JoJo across from us. We all dozed off. Amber leaning on me, me leaning against the wall, and JoJo against the corner of his side of the booth. 

"I don't know how I should feel about this." I heard Dad mutter. I didn't open my eyes, but I listened.

"Shh!" Momma scolded him. "This is cute."

"Wendy, it's 12:30." Dad told her. So it's been hours. "How are we gonna get them upstairs?"

"I guess we have to wake them up." Momma sighed. "Unless you want to carry Amber up and JoJo carry Brooke?"

"Let's wake them up." Dad decided hastily. 

"It might be too late at night to make JoJo go home." Momma mumbled.

"You're suggesting he stay here?" Dad audibly raised a brow. 

"There's an extra cot in the girls' room." Momma reminded him.

"... Fine." Dad conceded. "Wake up!"

JoJo instantly jolted awake, but it took a second for Amber and I to be able to open our eyes, the diner light seemingly blinding.

"That's never happened before." Amber yawned, eyes still almost closed. Momma pulled her up and I scooted out. 

"I should be goin'." JoJo told us in a gravelly voice.

"No, you can stay here for the night." Momma informed him. 

"You look like you're going to fall asleep on the way back." Dad added, looking him over. Momma led the three of us upstairs. I changed into my pajamas in the closet, Amber shortly after. I did my best to wait until everyone was going to sleep, but I was almost asleep sitting up. I had already said my prayers. The cot was pulled out in between mine and Amber's beds. JoJo sat down on the cot and looked up at me. The cot was shorter than our beds my probably half a foot. 

"Are you asleep?" JoJo laughed in a husky voice. Amber was brushing her hair and beginning to braid it down her back. 

"Yes." I murmured. He reached for my hand and kissed my knuckle.

"Hey, you keep that outside!" Amber ordered quietly. JoJo laughed lightly, but didn't let go of my hand. It didn't bother me although I was more than half asleep. When Amber finally turned the lamp off, I laid down and was almost entirely asleep.

"That was fast." JoJo commented. I nodded, barely moving my head. He pulled my blanket over me and shifted my pillow to a more comfortable position. He then laid down in the cot and got as comfortable as it would allow. When he was finished getting situated, he propped his arm to hold my hand. And we were soon both asleep. 


I opened my eyes to see JoJo out-cold in the cot. He had probably subconsciously decided to retract his hand. He was completely bundled up in the blanket he was given, covering his face like a puppy. 

"Momma and Dad are at a long market run." Amber informed me, standing in the doorway with a cup of coffee. "They just left."

"Okay." I nodded while rubbing my eyes.

"I'm going to go see Henry." She finished, saying a quick 'bye' and leaving. So now it's just me and JoJo here. 

"Good morning." He croaked, shuffling over to the opposite side of the cot.

"Morning!" I smiled. His brown eyes opened the slightest bit and he held his hand out to me. I took it and he pulled me down onto the cot. My blanket came with me. I yelped in shock and he pulled his own blanket over the one that was already covering me. It was super warm, but not unpleasantly so. He hugged me close and closed his eyes again. His chin was resting on top of my head and my face was buried in his chest. I relaxed and fell back into a drowsy state. 

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