Chapter 8

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(I saw something that EVERYONE needs to hear: Someone else's success is not your failure. I want to be Sarah Charles Lewis so badly, haha)

The next two weeks progressed as slow as possible, looking exactly the same. No Newsies, no Delanceys, and no Percy. 

"Momma, I'm bored." I complained, stirring my tea with a spoon. I was wearing a dark pink skirt and light green tucked in shirt.

"Go hang out with a Newsie." She suggested. "Amber's been spending a bit of time with that one, Henry?"

"Has she?" I looked up.

"All the time." She nodded. 

"Well then I think I'm gonna go and find JoJo or Racetrack." I grinned, standing up.

"Okay." She nodded. I went outside, nearly blinded by the New York sunset. It was nearly December, and cold. I walked into the Square, knowing that Amber was probably at the park. 

"Brooke!" I turned and saw Crutchie limping towards me. 

"Hi!" I smiled, meeting him halfway.

"What're you doin' here?" He asked.

"I got bored and remembered that Amber's probably with Henry." I informed him.

"So you're here for JoJo?" He cocked his head.

"No!" My eyes widened. "I'm here for everyone."

"Whatever you say." Crutchie laughed. I followed in his pace to the door of the Lodging House. I slipped in completely unnoticed. They were playing a heated game of cards at the old kitchen table. JoJo, despite his tough odds, was smiling widely. 

"Okay, next round!" Racetrack declared. I stood beside Crutchie, just barely visible to them. They didn't appear to see me. 

"Right." Elmer nodded. "JoJo, this time if you don't win, you gotta ask her out."


"What?" JoJo yelped.

"Done." Race nodded in agreement. "Verbal contract is binding in the city of Lower Manhattan."

"Fine." JoJo sighed, accepting his dealt cards. Crutchie and I watched the game unfold, an unspoken agreement not to make ourselves known. He was gripping his crutch in pain. I guess the cold was bugging him. 

"Wait!" Jack shouted, perching on his chair, eyes wide. "Wait!"

"What?" Albert demanded. 

"Damnit!" He cursed, slamming his cards down. "I fold."

"No!" Romeo cried. They continued the game through urgent whispers and shady glances at JoJo. It took everything I had not to laugh at how serious they were. Eventually, it was just Elmer and JoJo against each-other. Everyone was watching intently, seen or unseen, to see who would win.

"You in?" Elmer asked, brows furrowed.

"Yeah." JoJo replied. 

"Me too." Elmer nodded. They both put their cards down. Elmer had a Queen, Joker, an Ace, and a Nine of spades.  JoJo had a Nine, a Joker, a Four, and a Two.

Whoops and cries of Yes! and Good on you! sounded from the cluster of boys.

"Guess we're goin' to the diner!" Race beamed, clapping JoJo's back.

"Ey, there's no need!" Crutchie hobbled out from our hiding place, pulling me along with him.

"Brooke!" Albert greeted me, swinging his head over to look at the wide-eyed JoJo. 

"Hi!" I grinned, straightening my dark pink skirt. 

"Got somethin' to say, JoJo?" Jack looked at him.

"Uh, yeah." He nodded shakily, standing up. "Can I talk to you outside?"

"Sure." I nodded, following him back out into the cold air. By now, the sun had long gone down. I tightened my dark coat around myself to try and keep the cold air out. It only took a moment for my nose to turn cold.

"You heard that entire spout?" He checked.

"I did." I smiled.

"Okay." He took a shaky breath, ice billowing when he exhaled. "Do you wanna go to the deli, or tracks, or theater, or--"

"Definitely." I nodded. A wide grin spread across his face and he hugged me. I grinned and returned the motion.

"Let's go back inside." I suggested, narrowly stifling a shiver. JoJo nodded. They were all waiting in silence. Race made a thumbs up/thumbs down type motion, looking puzzled. JoJo grinned and did a thumbs up.

"And now," Jack yelled over the shouting boys. "You gotta be able to tell her and Amber apart."

"I can!" JoJo gaped.

"How?" I demanded, turning to him. 

"I dunno." He shrugged with a grin. 

"What's goin' on?" I heard Henry's voice behind me. I turned and saw him and Amber.

"Hi!" I smiled, hugging her.

"Did he finally do it?" She hissed in my ear.

"He did." I replied. 

"Finally!" Amber exclaimed, staring at JoJo. "You coward, I thought you'd never do it!"

"Chill out!" I urged her. 

"Momma's gonna be thrilled." She informed me.

"Right." I laughed, swatting her shoulder.

~Time skip to that night~

"You're going to have to tell me everything." Amber told me, climbing into her bed. 

"Okay." I smiled, flipping my hair to my back and turning to face her. "I ran into Crutchie in the Square, and we went into the Lodging House. Everyone else was playing cards and didn't see us."

"Not Henry." Amber added, propping her head on her hands.

"You're going to have to tell me everything about that." I scrunched my face at her. She gaped and I continued. "They bet the next round that if JoJo loses, and I quote, 'you gotta ask her out'. JoJo eventually lost and Crutchie dragged me out of out hiding place. JoJo asked me out and we went back inside. Then you and Henry showed up."

"Okay." Amber nodded, barely containing a smile. "About me and Henry."

I scooted forward obnoxiously on my bed.

"It turns out we have a ton in common." She told me. "Cooking and food, he was the oldest of his three siblings before they split up, he does not have a sweet tooth..."

"Match made in Heaven." I grinned, flopping down on my bed. 

"Shut it!" She whipped her pillow at me.

"Do you like him?" I asked loudly, forgetting that our parents would be trying to go to sleep now.

"Shh!" Amber's eyes widened. "Go to sleep!"

"You didn't answer!" I gaped. She winked, turned over, and went to sleep. I sat up for just a second longer before going to sleep as well.

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