Chapter 11

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~The next day~

It's not our turn to work today, so I decided to go on down to the Lodging House to visit the Newsies. I would usually have to squint against the sun, but it was overcast today. Overcast but still bright out, you know?

I came to a quick realization that they were probably selling. After Amber had told me to 'grow up', I've been rather bummed. So, I sat down under the lip of the roof so I could be in (almost) silence. I had no idea how long it had been until the point it started raining. Again, the sky was still bright against the clouds. It was pretty cold.

"Well, now I can't leave." I murmured. I propped my head up on my hands and completely zoned out in thought. I didn't realize that someone had taken a seat beside me. 

"What'cha up to?" It was Romeo.

"I honestly don't know." I admitted.

"Want me to get JoJo?" He offered. I glanced at him to find that his black hair was already dripping.

"No, it's okay." I smiled gratefully. "Aren't you cold?"

"Always." Romeo laughed. "You get used to it. How come you came here?"

"No idea." I smiled. "I didn't want to be at the diner, and I don't really have any friends that aren't Newsies."

"Ain't you friends with Amber's friends?" He cocked his head. 

"Pfft, no." I grinned. "Amber and her friends are more mature." 

"It's like a sweet savory kinda deal." Romeo nodded in understanding. bobbed my head in agreement. 

"You guys are more my crowd." I finished. 

"Aw!" He cooed teasingly. "Thanks! Who're your favorites of us?"

"I couldn't possibly answer that." I sighed with a smile.

"JoJo?" Romeo nudged me. It started raining.

"JoJo's up there." I conceded.

"So there's a list." Romeo waggled a brow. 

"No!" I shook my head violently.

"Speaking of..." Romeo trailed off and stood up. "Hey, Joe!"

"What's goin' on?" JoJo asked, walking up to us. I glanced up at him and he flicked his eyes to Romeo, then to me.

"I was just sitting here and Romeo came to talk to me." I explained.

"What's wrong?" He cocked his head, taking Romeo's place. 

"I'm gonna go finish sellin'." Romeo decided as he left.

"Nothing's wrong." I bluffed. JoJo snaked his arm around me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"I know that something's wrong." He murmured in my ear. I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. 

"Am I childish?" I asked, pulling away just to the point that my face was inches from his. A light smile spread turned the corners of his lips up. Then, wordlessly, he took my hand and pulled me up. My eyes widened as he led me into the rain. While it was raining, the sky was still bright. (I want to make that clear: This is the scene my brain has been nagging me to write. It was super, but not unnaturally, bright despite the cloud cover and rain. Amanda got a freaking earful, haha) When he let my hand go, he started dancing.

"What are you doing?" My dark green eyes widened.

"You gotta make light of it!" He explained, beaming as he pattered his feet in the small puddles. "You ain't childish. You're pure. Fun. Sweet." I felt my cheeks grow red a small bit more past their original pink hue, since they were already rosy from the cold. JoJo took both my hands in his and continued to dance. I reluctantly joined in, a smile soon growing on my face. JoJo was gazing at me, fondness shining in them. Despite the cold, I felt warm and happy. He then abruptly put a gentle hand on my shoulder and the other on the small of my back and pulled me fairly close to him, planting his lips on mine and kissing me. Butterflies erupted in my stomach. It was almost as if the rain had stopped; my brain stopped registering the icy rainwater while I was enveloped in JoJo's warmth.

"You ain't childish." He breathed, steam billowing when his warm breath made contact with the chilled air. JoJo's milky brown eyes bore into mine, affection causing them to twinkle. I grinned and ran my hand through his now dripping hair. He beamed, then continued sadly, "I should get back to selling."

"Okay." I nodded, stepping away from him into the cold. 

"You should get back to the diner." JoJo suggested lightly, noting my quick shiver. "It's really cold out here."

I headed his advice and he walked me home. He proceeded to sell papers on the street-corner a little ways down the road.

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