Chapter 6

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JoJo pressed his lips to mine. I froze, not sure what to do. 

"I'm sorry!" JoJo jumped back, eyes wide. My dark red brows furrowed in thought before I mindlessly threw my arms around my neck and kissed him. He had a sharp intake of breath and hugged me tightly. The kiss ended and we were just hugging onto each-other in the back kitchen. I was on my tip-toes, head resting on his shoulder. I reached behind his back and snatched his cap from atop his head, running away.

"Hey!" He yelped, falling in pursuit. I sprinted up the stairs, nearly tripping over my skirt in the process. Then I remembered that my parents and sister would be on their way back soon. So I whipped around and tossed him his hat. 

"Smooth." JoJo laughed, narrowly catching it and fastening it back on his head. I grinned and led him back into the main diner. The rain was pouring harder than before. "Are they gonna make it back?"

"I don't know." I made a face, going to the family telephone and punching in the number to the theater.

"Bowery theater, Bea speaking?" A perky voice answered.

"Is Medda still on?" I asked. "I want to see if my parents can make it home."

"Medda has kids?" Bea squealed. 

"I don't know." I shrugged. "My parents and sister are watching the performance."

"Oh, yeah. No. It's over." Bea told me. "I can try to find them and put them on?"

"Yes please." I nodded. "Wendy and Thomas Lester? Amber?"

"Okay." Bea said, leaving. 

"She's getting them." I informed JoJo. He nodded, brown eyes looking over the diner. 

"Everything good, Brooke?" Momma asked on the other line.

"I was wondering if you're even able to come home." I glanced back at the rain. "It's pouring buckets out."

"Well, we're going to have to get a carriage." Momma replied.


"We'll be home more or less on time." She told me, hanging up.

"They're gonna get a carriage." I glanced at JoJo.

They came home, letting JoJo leave.

"Woah, wait!" Momma pulled him back. "It's raining."

"The Lodging House is right over there." He told her grimly, sneaking a glance at me for help.

"What're we supposed to do, Wendy?" Dad asked, looking at his wife.

"Uh, umbrella?" She whipped her head towards him with sass. 

"We have an umbrella?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yes!" Amber and I said, running up the stairs together. We went different directions and fetched different brollies. 

"Where did that come from?" Amber asked, stopping at the top of the stairs. "We only have one."

"Guess we have two." I shrugged, just about tumbling down the wooden stairs. "Here!" I smiled, thrusting the black umbrella to the Newsie. He reluctantly took it.

"Thanks." He had an odd gleam in his eyes when he said this. 

"Now you can go." Dad decided. JoJo nodded and left into the storm. 

So now Amber and I are in our beds in the dark, trying to fall asleep despite the thunder.

"I know what happened." She muttered. "You are not slick."

"What?" I turned over, moving my hair over my face so she couldn't see my expression. 

"Ya'll kissed." She whispered.

"How do you know?" I demanded loudly, sitting up.

"Shh!" She urged. "And I know everything."

"Don't tell anyone." I murmured.

"Ah, so I was right." Amber grinned.

"I thought you knew everything." I grumbled. "Speaking of Percy--"

"Please no--"

"My turn." And at that, we both went to sleep. 

~The next morning~

"Momma, can you please man the baking?" I asked, going down the stairs behind Amber.

"Sure. Why?" She cocked her head.

"I want to pay good ole Percy a visit." I grinned.

"OoO, Percy!" Dad waggled his brows at Amber, who shuffled into the cooking station.

"Just want to talk to him." I shrugged.

"Go for it." Momma nodded. "Be careful." 

"Yes, ma'am." I laughed, leaving the diner. 

(At this point in time I discovered that Mike Faist (Connor Murphy) was in Newsies, so I'm low-key freaking out. I saw a video where he popped into the dressing room and said "Not to freak you out, but Max's mom brought cookie cake for everyone" AND LET ME TELL YOU: Young Mike is adorable, and it's odd seeing him with short hair AND LADEN WITH BRUISES.)

Jacobi's Deli was a short-ish ways away in the opposite direction of the Square. I was wearing a navy blue dress with my hair tied back in a loose ponytail. I was about halfway there having turned a block. There's two turns: right then left. I was halfway to the next turn when someone yelled.

"Hey!" An unfamiliar voice called. I turned to see a boy with a gray bowlers cap, white shirt, gray suspenders, and gray pants striding towards me. I tuned out a sense of angst.

"Hi?" My red brow raised. I was still walking, hoping to arrive at the deli a tad early. 

"Think I've seen you!" The shorter one jogged up to my side. 

"Okay." I nodded, aware that he was still a bit taller than me. 

"Names Oscar." He held his hand out for me to shake. I reluctantly did, and he pulled me into a shadowy alley.

"Is there a reason for this?" I asked, panicked. I peered outside of the alley for anybody who may help. Oscar grabbed my arm and yanked me further into the alley. At this point, my heart was racing and fight/flight/freeze jumped into my ears. I was frozen in place.

"Little bit." He growled, pushing me against the brick wall and pressing his forearm against my throat. He then pulled out a small knife and held it to the space right in between my collarbones. I imagined what could happen, terror coursing through me. "I need a favor."

I didn't say anything. How could I? Anything might be the wrong answer.

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