Chapter 2

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Just as the sun was setting and there was an hour to closing, a squad of teenage boys shuffled in. I recognized one to be that News Boy, Jack Kelly. JoJo was there too. And a younger looking boy with a crutch, one with a cigar, one with jet black hair, and one with red hair. I carried on with my business as normal. I set the dough to the side and went with my paper and pen to take their orders. 

"Hey!" I smiled, walking up to the table they were sitting at. Amber was watching intently from her station. "What can I get you?"

"I don't think we're gonna get anything." Jack Kelly informed me. I nearly heard Amber roll her eyes.

"Okay." I nodded. "Well, holler if you change your mind."

I heard them whispering amongst themselves as I went back to rolling the dough. I decided to set it aside and start a new short project. After placing the dough into a bowl and covering it with a cloth, I pulled out a new bowl and whipped eggs, sugar, butter, flour, chocolate chips, and nuts. The concoction was soon complete, so I laid it out on a sheet and stuck it into the oven. Then I walked into Amber's station and made six cups of tea. 

"You're not." She breathed tightly.

"You know I am." I grinned, placing the mugs on a platter and carrying them to the News Boys.

"We didn't order anything." Jack reminded me.

"I know." I smiled, placing the platter down on the table and distributing the tea amongst them. "Everyone deserves a treat every once and awhile."

I went back to my station before anyone could object. The cookies were done soon enough. I gingerly placed all of them onto a glass plate. I saw the crippled one's eyes widen when I placed the plate on their table.

"Why are you doin' this?" Jack asked, suspicion tinging his voice.

"You're news boys." I replied. "How often do you treat yourselves."

"She's got a point." The crippled boy said, making a grab for a cookie. The one with curly blond hair whacked the boy's hand with his cigar.

"On the house." I informed them. Jack narrowed his eyes at me and I nodded. Then he allowed the cripple to take a cookie.

"The name's Jack." He told me.

"I know." I smiled. "You've been in the paper a few times."

"Well, hello, gorgeous." The blond boy thrust his and out for me to shake. Amber scoffed and I ignored his comment and shook his hand. The rest of them introduced themselves. The cripple was called Crutchie, the one with the cigar was Racetrack, the red haired one was Albert, and the black haired one was Elmer. And of course, JoJo. I went back to my station to find Amber laughing.

"Who was right?" She demanded in a hushed tone. I swatted her away, then she went out to confuse them. 

"Would you like anything?" Amber asked sweetly, putting on her Brooke act. I grinned and let her weird them out, telling them that she never served them anything. I then decided to see if they'd notice. I went back to their table to collect their empty teacups. They were trying to sort whatever had happened. Then JoJo's eyes landed on me.

"I forgot!" He exclaimed. The rest of them turned to me. With my hands full, I stood beside my sister. 

"That makes more sense." Racetrack conceded.

"This is Amber." I introduced them to her. "She cooks, I bake."

"That's a pretty trusty dynamic." Albert commented. We both nodded.

"There's twins at the Lodging House." Jack told us.

"Are there?" I said as we cocked our heads.

"Mike and Ike." Crutchie piped up. "But they don't really do any twin stuff."

"I think we best be goin'." Jack sighed, pushing up from the table. The others followed suit.

"Thanks for the muffin." JoJo smiled, then they were gone. The sun was down and it was time to close. We both cleaned up our stations, locked the glass doors, turned out the lights, and went upstairs. Momma and Dad were at the theater, so it's just Amber and I. We both changed into our night wear and went to sleep for the next day. 

~The Next Morning~

"You guys can have the day off!" Mom declared. Amber and I looked up.

"Okay." I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Mom left our room. "Amber!"

"What?" She flopped over on her bed to face me.

"Let's visit the News Boys!" I suggested excitedly. 

"Why?" She muttered, throwing a pillow over her face. "Close the curtain."

"Get up!" I said, ripping the blanket off of her.

"Hey!" Amber yelped, launching her pillow at me. I dodged into the closet and chose a dress to wear. It was an olive green dress with a white collar and black boots. I left my hair down on my shoulders. 

"Well, I'm gonna go." I told her.

"Aren't they selling?" Amber grumbled. 

"I'll keep someone company." I shrugged, shaking on a coat.

"Why?" She asked, sitting up begrudgingly. 

"They have tough lives." I pointed out.

"We both know that's not the reason." Amber shook her head.

"I want friends!" I complained. 

"You have friends." Amber shrugged.

"Friends I'm not related to." I rolled my eyes.

"Well, let's go then." She shuffled into the closet to change. She came out in a red dress with a maroon collar and black boots. She tied her hair back into a ponytail with a red ribbon.

"Really?" I beamed. She nodded and picked up our small bags. Mine was red, hers was green. We never intended the color patters, but it's just how it happens. 

"Going somewhere?" Momma glanced up from the baking station. 

"We're gonna go make friends." I smiled as we went out the door.

"You already have friends." Dad pointed out.

"Amber has friends." I shook my head. "I don't."

"That sucks." A customer laughed to himself. Amber and I shot a glare at him and Momma and Dad waved us off.

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