Chapter 7

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"I need a favor." Oscar told me in a husky voice, pressing a knife to my suprasternal notch (space between collarbones; neck dent) I held my breath, praying that somebody would see. "You seein' anyone?"

My thoughts jumped back to JoJo. "Why?"

"Why do you think?" Oscar snapped.

"Yes." I fibbed.

"Who?" He demanded, turning the knife, but not actually piercing into my skin. 

"You wouldn't know him." I told him grimly, shoving him away despite his weapon. His knife clattered to the floor and he charged towards me. I yelped as he shoved me back into the brick wall, hand gripping my red hair and pressing my head into the wall.

"Wanna bet?" He seethed.

"Sure." I replied, trying my thrust him away again. This time, he overpowered me (even in my baker strength) and slammed my head against the wall. "What do you want?" I demanded, trying to curb his irrational anger.

"You're quite pretty." Oscar commented with an edge to his voice, stroking my cheek with his thumb. It took everything in me not to grimace. 

"So?" I gulped.

"You," He paused in distain. "Are gonna be my girl."

"Hard pass." I made a face.

"Not an option." Oscar hissed as I pressed my eyes tightly shut, about to ram my head into the wall again when another voice piped up.

"Isn't it?" I opened my eyes to see JoJo. His jaw was clenched and his arms were crossed.

"Whaddya want?" Oscar pushed off of me, facing the Newsie. I didn't move from where I was, unsure of what to do. 

"Whatcha doin', Oscar?" JoJo asked, taking a step closer.

"That ain't any of your business." Oscar turned his nose up.

"Really?" JoJo turned his head a little bit, sneaking a quick glance at me. "'Cause it looked like you was attacking my girl."

My heart subconsciously jumped when he said this. 

"Oh, yours?" Oscar sneered.

"Yes." JoJo nodded. Oscar, not breaking eye-contact, sidled over to me and put an arm around my shoulder. I stiffened and looked to JoJo for aid. He understood, striding over and grabbing Oscar's arm and ripping him away. "Don't touch her." He hissed in Oscar's face. Oscar winded up and punched the Newsie. I almost yelped, but didn't want to draw any attention. JoJo didn't say anything, just retaliated with a blow to the stomach. I watched with horror as the fight unfolded.

"Jo--" I heard a voice start. "What the hell?"

Racetrack came thundering into the alley and joined in. Two versus one, Oscar grew panicked. He was chased out.

"Are you okay?" JoJo asked.

"What happened?" Racetrack demanded.

"I was walking to the deli and he attacked me." I shrugged, motioning towards the knife that Oscar had dropped. JoJo's eyes widened and Race picked it up.

"This is my knife!" He exclaimed, examining it. "That thief!"

"Are you okay?" JoJo asked again, looking me over.

"Yeah, all good." I nodded grimly. "That's never happened before."

"How come you'se goin' to the deli?" Race asked, stuffing the knife in his pocket and sticking his cigar into his mouth. 

"I was going to talk to Percy for Amber." I told him.

"You're not Amber?" His blue eyes widened.

"You gotta get better at that." JoJo laughed.

"They'se identical!" Race said pointedly, motioning towards me.

"Nah." JoJo shook his head.

"Yah." I raised a red brow. 

"Well, I can tell you apart." JoJo puffed out his chest. "But let's get you to the deli."

"Okay." I nodded. Before following suit, Race pulled me back. 

"You go, we'll catch up." He told JoJo. The boy nodded and left. Racetrack turned towards me. "He likes you so much it makes him look stupid."

"What?" My dark green eyes widened in disbelief.

"That day he came back to the Lodging House," Race started, feeling the words in his mouth. "You and the diner were all he could talk about. And now you're all he even thinks about."

"You sure?" I checked, unsure.

"100 'cent." He nodded with a serious expression. 

"Good to know." I nodded slowly, secretly pleased with it. Race and I then left the alley and caught up with JoJo. Racetrack put his cigar back into his mouth and walked alongside his friend. It was  mostly in silence the entire way.

"And here is the deli." JoJo declared, motioning towards the glass doors of Jacobi's Deli.

"Thank you." I smiled, giving him a really quick hug, earning a thumbs up from Racetrack.  laughed and went in, nearly forgetting why I was here. 

"What's up?" Percy looked up from getting a round of water. 

"I wanted to talk to you." I told him. 

"Sure." He nodded, passing the cups out between the people. He then led me to the unseen bit of the diner. "Shoot."

"Okay." I huffed, realizing that I hadn't thought about what to tell him. 

"First," He interrupted before I even started. "Are you Amber or Brooke?"

"We've known you for years!" My green eyes widened. 

"And for years I haven't known who I'm talking to!" He laughed, making me realize.

"I'm Brooke." I informed him. He nodded.

"I already know what you're gonna ask." Percy interrupted. "I don't like Amber like that."

"What?" I gaped. "Wha-- No, I was gonna ask if you prefer cooking or baking!" 

"Cooking." He replied. "Is that everything?"

"Yep." I said, leaving abruptly. I was attacked in an alley just for that?

The early sunlight was blinding as it bounced off of the puddles. I was well aware that I was alone, intending to keep it that way. 

I got there rather quickly and took over for Momma without mentioning the outcome of my visit with Percy.

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