Chapter 12

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~Albert's POV, near sundown that day~

We had all come back to the Lodging House at the normal time. Racetrack had stayed from tonight's races because he deemed teasing JoJo more important.

"JoJo!" Race yelled in a sing-song voice. "Got anythin' to tell us?"

JoJo scoffed and grabbed both mine and Race's arms and dragged us outside. Romeo and Mush seemed to sense the drama and followed us out.

"What's goin' on?" I sighed distastefully.

"You love her." Romeo decided. JoJo stiffened. 

"Wait, what?" Race's blue eyes widened.

"Simpleton." I commented quietly. 

"No way!" Mush gasped. 

"Okay." JoJo admitted. Both Romeo and Mush broke out in 'awwww', causing JoJo to glare at them.  "I love her, okay?"

"Now, my friend," I sidled up to him and threw my arm over his shoulder, holding my hand out as if I was showing him something in the sky. "You gotta tell her."

"Make it big." Romeo suggested.

"Nah, make it good." Mush shook his head.

"I dunno!" JoJo forced his way out of my hold.

"Just lay it on!" Race retorted. "Say somethin' like... What's her name?"

"Race!" I scoffed.

"Brooke." JoJo informed him, clearly in desperate need of advice.

"Say 'Brooke, I'm in love with you'." Race advocated. 

"Have lots of practice with that, do you Race?" Mush raised a brow.

"Allow me to offer some advice." Romeo declared. "Take her somewhere she likes to go and tell her."

"Tell her folks first." I told him.

~Brooke's POV, the next morning~

"Brooker!" Dad yelled from downstairs. I scrambled down to greet him.

"Morning!" I smiled. JoJo had helped me to brush off Amber's insult, so I'm not in as sour a mood.

"That Newsie came by." He told me with an unreadable expression. "JoJo."

"Why?" I cocked my head, chest tightening.

"He wanted to tell me something." Dad said, turning to look at me. "He asked if he could take you to the park tonight."

"Is that okay?" I asked hopefully.

"Yes." He replied reluctantly. "But tell me about Henry."

"Henry?" I cocked my head. 

"Amber's friend?" Dad elaborated. "Like, what he likes? Is he a good person? Does he have a bad reputation?"

"He really likes to cook." I told him slowly. "He seems to be a great person. And as far as I know, he has a good reputation."

"Good." Dad nodded in approval. 

~Just past sunset~

"Brooke, come down!" Momma yells up the stairs for me. I nearly fell down the stairs on my way down. I was wearing a long sleeved purple dress and black boots. JoJo was standing by the front door. He was rather cleaned up, showing that he actually wants to make a good visual impression. 

"Don't be out too late." Amber warned, flashing me a wink. I grinned and we left into the icy night air. 

"So, park?" I looked at him as we walked down the street.

"Park." JoJo nodded with a smile. His vest was buttoned over his flannel and he wasn't wearing his cap, revealing his fluffy brown hair. 

"How've you been?" I asked, bumping my arm against his. He intertwined our fingers

"Since yesterday?" JoJo laughed.

"Yes!" I giggled, squinting to see further into the dark. 

"I'm great." The boy replied happily.

"Me too!" I nodded. By now, we've reached the park. JoJo kept my hand in his and led me into the park. He stopped walking by a leafless tree, pulling me down to sit. The only light provided was the moon, which was a waning gibbous. 

"I got somethin' I wanna tell you." He said quietly.

"Go for it." I nodded, curious. 

"I can't stop thinkin' about you." JoJo started, fiddling with frosted grass. "I used to only think about getting rich. But you're always first in my mind. And Jesus. Jesus is there too. But anyway, Brooke, I love you."

My face slackened. I didn't even realize that it was tense.

"I can't fathom how much I care about you." He finished shakily, examining my expression. A soft smile grew across my face. I picked his hand back up and held it hard. 

"There is nothing better than hearing you say that." I told him sincerely. He looked giddy. Then he leaned back against the tree and looked up at the sky. 

"Ever noticed how when the lights is out, you can see the stars better?" He asked, looking up. I followed his gaze, leaning back and studying the sky. Then his eyes widened. He then quickly took his vest off and gave it to me. "It's really cold out."

"No, it's all good." I smiled, handing it back.

"Too bad." JoJo shook his head, grinning, as he wrapped the vest around me. He slipped my arms into the holes. "I don't want you to get sick 'cause of me."

"It wouldn't be your fault." I reminded him.

"That ain't what your folks would say." He laughed. I nodded in hesitant agreement. JoJo hugged me close, trying to keep me warm as if my parents were watching and he wanted their approval. I laid my head partly on the tree and partly on his shoulder. He then nestled his face on my head, almost to the point of his chin just resting upon the top of my head. 

"I love you too." I breathed, squeezing my eyes shut. I had never said that to anyone (in that way) before. JoJo took a deep breath in and hugged me even closer, like he didn't want to let me go.

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