Chapter 5

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(Controversial opinion: Andrew Keenan-Bolger was better in Tuck Everlasting than in Newsies. I also think he was better than even Ben Cook at Jesse Tuck. I wrote a thing about that called Partner in Crime. Got WAY too into it. Sad day when I ended it.)

"Stop it," Amber groaned as I sat in bed with my book.

"What?" I glanced up.

"You have a crush." She informed me. "Bad."

"I do not." I retorted.

"Brooke, did you know that genetically matching children, twins if you will, can feel off of the other's emotions if it's strong enough?" She made a face at me. "You have a crush."

"On?" I shut my book and turned towards my sister. 

"Who else?" Amber rolled her green eyes. 

"You're right." I laughed, sitting on my legs. "Elmer."

"Brooke!" Amber shook her head. "You, my dearest sister, fancy JoJo."

"Do I?" I cocked my head, scrunching my nose.

"Yes." She nodded. "Anyway, tomorrow night Momma and Dad are going to the theater after we close. I'll go with them and tell JoJo to stay here for precautions."

"I wanna to go the theater!" My eyes widened.

"No you don't." Amber snapped. "Let me do this! I've never played matchmaker before!"

"That is a lie." I reminded her pointedly. "Remember last July when you graciously set up Luther and Penelope?"

"Then he cheated on her this July?" She shuddered. "Vividly."

"You still set them up." I shrugged. 

"Please, Brooker!" Amber pleaded. "I'm so bored!"

"Fine!" I succumb. "But only if I set something up with you and Percy."

"I'll allow it." Amber sighed.

~The next morning~

I got up at the bell and quickly changed into my light blue work uniform. I shook Amber awake.

"Hair down?" I suggested.

"Sure." She grumbled. I then brushed my hair and went downstairs. Momma was wiping over the tables and Dad was preparing coffee. 

"Can I please have a cup today?" I asked hopefully.

"That could be interesting." Momma glanced at Dad. I'm hyper most o the time. When I'm not, I'm probably sleeping or near the point.

"Okay." Dad conceded and poured it into the mug. Without putting any sugar or milk, he handed it to me.

"I shan't fall for your tricks, Father." I grinned, taking it and walking into the baking station and putting sugar in it. Amber came down just as I was taking a sip. 

"You didn't." Her eyes widened.

"We totally did." Momma laughed.

"Want some?" Dad asked, flashing her a mug. 

"Sure." Amber nodded, striding to the cooking station. "No milk or sugar, please."

"Polar opposite." Momma breathed, wrapping up the damp cloths into a bundle. "Before I forget, today's pie is apple."

"Apple?" My eyes widened. Apple pie day means the diner will be crowded. I cracked my knuckles and set out the one Momma had made the night before and put it in the display glass. 

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