Rockafeller Centre

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All I did for the concert was reapply make-up, putting on my usual waterproof make-up, since you never know if it'll rain in New York. I had my hair braided to the side as usual, then I changed into my black converse. Lianna had left early to help set up the stage, but I wanted to wait for Louis. So, when the whole band came out, I was ready. On our way downstairs, Harry looked really nervous about something. Oh, he was probably going to ask out the girl he likes... 

Once we were at the giant concert area, Mr. Simmons gave us all tickets for the first and second row. When he got up to me, he smiled. 

"This ticket is especially for you, from the whole band." He handed me a ticket that was in the front row, right in the center. Aww, how sweet! Louis got me a front and center ticket! I saw a bunch of girls start to form up, so I got to my spot and I placed my stuff on the edge where my whole class had their things lined up. At exactly 8:00 p.m., the whole street was filled up. Girls ranging from ages about 8-18 were just waiting to see the new band, One Direction. 

"Hello, we're One Direction." They chorused. 

"I'm Niall." 

"I'm Zayn." 

"I'm Liam." 

"I'm Louis!" 

"And I'm Harry. I wrote these songs for a special girl in this audience tonight, but she doesn't know how I feel. So, I hope she knows after these songs." Harry said. Music started playing, but I was barely paying attention. I was watching all the girls scream and fangirl, as if the boys were famous. I missed the whole first verse, the chorus, and the second verse and chorus, but what I heard in the bridge caused me to pay attention. 

"With my hands on your waist as we dance in the moonlight, I wish it was me that you'll call later on, cause you wanna say goodnight." I heard Harry sing. It almost sounded like he was talking about us. When the chorus started again, but it was soft and Harry was the only one singing, he came out with a single red rose. That girl is definitely lucky, she's getting my favourite flower! Wait... Harry started walking towards me... I looked next to me on either side but he was indeed only looking at me. He walked to the end of the stage, and bent down to give me the rose. I took it, and stared at it, while he started singing the full chorus again. I listened to the rest of the song, it related a lot to my life... Wait... Was he talking about me? 

The audience cheered loudly, as the next song started playing. I recognized it as What Makes You Beautiful, the song Harry sung me at New Year's Eve. He didn't once look away from me the whole song. Well he probanly did when I looked down blushing. When that song finished, there was another slow song on. I decided to actually listen to the lyrics they were singing. But I decided that at the chorus, so that's where I started. 

"When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight, it just don't feel right. Cause I can love you more than this, yeah. When he lays you down I might just die inside, it just don't feel right. Cause I can love you more than this, can love you more than this." Harry sang. 

"If I'm louder, would you see me? Would you lay down, in my arms and rescue me. Cause we are, the same. You saved me, and when you leave it's gone again." Niall sang. I never actually heard his voice that often, it was beautiful. But still not as good as Harry... 

"And when I see you on the street, in his arms, I can't breathe. My body fails I'm on my knees prayin'!" Louis sang. Aww, his voice is so cute! Harry started singing again, and I knew for sure he was talking about me. Their last song started, and I listened through the whole song. Harry sang a part in the song that went like this: 

"All that you want has been right here, yeah. I can see that you're holding back those tears. Tears!" He sang that before everyone joined in. I was crying, not really holding it in, and Harry was smiling throughout the song. 

"I, I wanna save ya, wanna save your heart tonight. He'd only break ya, leave ya torn apart, oh! I can't be no Superman! But for you I'd be superhuman! I, I wanna save ya, save ya, save ya, tonight." Soon, the song finished, and the whole crowd was cheering like mad. Louis motioned me up onto the stage, so I wiped away my tears as I walked up. The boys all stepped back, except for Harry and me. But them, as well as probably 5,000 people and a television show which probably over a million people watched. 

"Did you like it?" Harry asked a little quieter than usual. 

"Loved it. But you got something wrong in that last song." I said, a small smirk forming on my face. 

"What? What did I get wrong? I knew I should have paid more attention to the lyrics!" He started to ramble again. 

"What I mean is, you have one part of the lyrics wrong. I wasn't exactly holding back the tears." He looked up at me in realization, then he smiled widely at me, and that is the smile I returned. 

"Will you two stop being such idiots and kiss already before I walk up and force your heads together?" Louis shouted into the microphone. Harry looked at me once, then immediately he kissed me. I heard some girls cheer, like the ones from my music class, some 'boo' who were hoping for a chance with him, but what stuck out was Louis and the other boys jumping around the stage screaming and cheering for us. I didn't care about anything at all, except that I wasn't hiding my undoubtable feelings for Harry. And I'm pretty sure that he wasn't talking about another girl, he was talking about me.

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