New neighbor.

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"Shayna, get up this instant!" My mum barged into my room, looking completely stressed out. 

"Why? It's a Saturday." I whined. 

"I invited the new neighbours over, but I need to make sure we all look like nice, normal people, in a nice, normal household." She started to clean off my desk. 

"Okay, when are they coming? I kinda wanted to go with Clare-Bear and Bree to the mall." I said, while grabbing a towel to use after my shower. 

"Around 5:30. Do you need money?" She asked. 

"Yeah, about €20 would be great." I then proceeded to take a shower, then take the usual 10 minutes deciding on what to wear. Before my daily 10 minutes were up, I got a video call from Clara, so I clicked the 'accept' button. 

"Shay! Hey girl, whatcha wearing today?" She asked. 

"I need your help. This, or this?" I pointed to two outfits I narrowed it down to. 

"Outfit number two. I like the whole 'YOLO' thing. Plus, those jeans are to die for!" She said. I started to change into the outfit, then she made me pick hers. Soon, we were done and ready to go. I braided my hair off to the side as usual, then we called Bree. She said she'd come pick us both up in 5. That means 10 minutes in her world. She was the only one of us that could drive, Clara preferred walking, since she lives across the street from school, and I haven't passed my test yet. 

Finally, my mum called me downstairs saying Bree was at the door. I grabbed my phone, then ran downstairs to see my mum talking with Bree about a dance show they both watch. I left with Bree, we went to go pick up Clara, then our mall day was ready to go! 


"I'm exhausted." Clara said once we were back in Bree's car. 

"I know, right? Who knew that security man could run so fast?" We all laughed. That's funny, that's the type of thing I'd do with Louis... If he were still the real Louis. 

"Drop me back home, the new neighbours are coming over." I said. We all said goodbyes as I walked back into my house looking down at my phone, as Clara was texting me. I was about to go upstairs, but my mum's voice stopped me. 

"Honey, come meet the Taylor's!" She shouted. I slowly walked into the living room, to see a man and woman, and their kids. They had one boy about my age, and a girl James' age. 

"Hi... I'm Shayna." I waved awkwardly. 

"Shayna, this is Marilyn and Joe, and their kids Riley and Jenna." Mum said. Riley smiled at me widely, he was definitely good looking. But not as good looking as Harry... Wait did I just compare my hot new neighbour to my long-time ememy? Weird... 

"Go on, you can go chat with Riley, while us adults go do what you call 'boring stuff'." She led them outside, while Jenna was talking and probably flirting with James. He was quite the flirt himself, he learned from Harry. I led Riley upstairs to my surprisingly clean room. 

"Wow, your room is way neater than mine, and I just moved here." He said once we got inside. 

"No, my mum just did this when I woke up." I smiled at him. 

"I know this is quite sudden, but do you want to go out somewhere?" He asked. I was shocked. I had just met the guy, and he already asked me out? Point for Shayna! 

"Oh, sure! We can go to my all time favorite food place, it's just a few minutes away. It's called Nandos." I said. He nodded, so I told my mum where we were going and she shooed us off. We walked to Nandos, and I almost immediately wanted to turn around. Sitting at a booth was none other than the idiot group, thry were eating. Especially Niall, he's always eating. 

"Something wrong, Shayna?" He asked. 

"Oh, it's nothing. Just, can you pretend to be my boyfriend?" I asked. 

"Why pretend? I'd be fine with being your boyfriend." I was so caught up in the boys that I barely paid attention to what he said. 

"Sure, yeah." I replied. He had his arm around my waist, as he took me inside. I usually wouldn't let a guy I just met be my boyfriend, but I needed a lie, and this lie proves that ugly Shayna can get a boyfriend of her own. I could tell the boys were looking at us when we sat down. I'd pretend to giggle whenever he said something funny, but I realized he was actually funny, so I didn't have to pretend. We ate our food, then I excused myself to go to the toilets. I was waiting outside patiently, when an all-too familiar face walked out of the boy's. 

"Hello Shayna." He said awkwardly. 

"Hello Louis." I replied with the same amount of awkwardness. 

"Listen, I know you're mad at me. I'm mad at me too. When I became friends with the guys I totally forgot about you, I'm sorry." He said sincerely. That's the thing with my Lou. If he's sincere or real about something, it almost radiates off of him. 

"Aw Lou, I'm sorry too. But stop making this a mushy moment. I don't like those." I nudged him with my arm like we used to do after we fought, which was rarely. We did our old handshake while smirking, then he hugged me. I hugged him back tight, I was happy to have my best friend back. 

"Well NaNa, I better get back to the boys. Is that your boyfriend you're with?" He asked. 

"Him? Oh, well no he's not my boyfriend- I mean yeah, he is. He is my boyfriend." I said. 

"Liar! You should know that I know when you lie. Are you just so happening to try and make a certain curly haired boy jealous? Don't worry, I won't tell him you like him." He winked, before walking off. I did my business in the loo, then I walked back to Riley. He smiled at me, before doing something unexpected. He kissed me, right there on the spot. 

"So, who was that guy?" Riley asked. 

"Just my best friend. It's okay, no need to be jealous." I said. 

"Good. But if Curly doesn't stop staring at you I might just punch him in the face." He laughed. I looked from the corner of my eye, and saw Harry was indeed watching me, but not in a creepy stalker way. Almost in jealousy, heartbreak. Maybe he had a secret girlfriend, and they just broke up? Whatever. I leaned my hand on my cheek to see it was almost burning hot. I checked in the reflective surface of the napkin dispenser, to see I was blushing. That's gotta be awkward, I'm blushing towards someone's actions that aren't my... boyfriend's. It feels weird saying that word. Boyfriend. I just met the guy today! Oh gosh... I'm now one of those desperate girls from reality television...

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