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"Hey!" A teacher entered the cafeteria just as SuHo was about to return a punch to SeoJun after getting up from the floor, "What are you guys doing over there? Are you not going to separate?! Han SeoJun, Lee SuHo, teacher's office! Now!"

Without saying anything else besides sending a glare to each other, the two followed after the teacher. You moved to the side as the three headed to the office, not being able to look at SeoJun in the eyes because, for some reason, you had a sinking feeling that the fight was because of some miscommunication.

Whispers filled the cafeteria when the three were finally out of the vicinity. Your feet dragged over to the table where your friends sat in shock at the fight the four had front row tickets to.

"Yah, (Y/N)!" SuAh's snaps her head towards you, leaning forward to whisper in a yell at you, "Why is SeoJun asking for you?!"

"Is that what the fight was about?" You looked at each one of their faces.

"SeoJun says that you're avoiding him," TaeHoon repeats SeoJun's question, "Why are you avoiding him?"

"I'm not," You lied, playing dumb.

"Let's just eat before class starts again," JuGyeong tells you, slowly digging into her food. The other three nodded their heads, slowly digging into their food.

"(Y/N), you're not going to eat?" SuJin motions towards the empty spot in front of you with her chopsticks.

"I lost my appetite," You answered honestly, the guilt rising in you.

Was this really because I was avoiding SeoJun?! You thought to yourself, eyebrows furrowing, But why did SeoJun punch SuHo?

You grab your slightly pounding forehead. The first-ever pounding headache you've gotten in a long time, "I'm getting a headache."

"Do you need some medicine?" SuAh asks, noticing you grabbing your head.

You shook your head, slowly getting up from your seat, "I'm gonna head back to class. The smell and noise are giving me a headache."

With that, you returned to the classroom again. Folding your arms on your desk before placing your head into your arms, the headache slightly went away as your thoughts ran a marathon in your brain.

Why did SeoJun punch SuHo?

Was it because I was avoiding him?

Could it be the rift that broke the two away from each other?

They used to be best friends though.


Did I cause that fight?!

Your eyes widened at the last thought, "Did I cause that fight?!"

"Of course not," SuAh's voice was heard from above you.

You slowly lifted your head, meeting eyes with SuAh, JuGyeong, and SuAh's boyfriend, noticing a missing figure of SuJin. Multiple footsteps pounding into the classroom and before you knew it, half the classroom was filled with students from different classes with a majority of them being in your class, surrounding your desk.

"(Y/N), I heard you got confessed to from Han SeoJun," A classmate of yours tells you.

"What?" You questioned the absurd information. Your classmates plus the other students besides JuGyeong and SuAh let out ooh's, "Heard from where?"

LOW-KEY [TRUE BEAUTY; SEOJUN HAN]Where stories live. Discover now