🔑 X 4

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The final class finally came to an end and a few students left the classroom to head to the cafeteria for lunch. You grabbed your earbud wrapped phone and untangled the device, grabbing the loops of the plastic bag after plugging your earbuds into your ears before gently pushing yourself out of your chair. Unlocking your phone and pressing the play button of your playlist as you stood up and headed out of the room, not paying attention to the many stares on your back.

Your eyes were switching back and forth between looking through the hallways to not run into students and texting a few of your old friends back from a few minutes ago. Light steps down the stairs of the front of the school entrance with a soft breeze in the air, wanting to walk around the courtyard a bit and student-less so you can enjoy your first day at your new school in peace instead of having many stares at you in the cafeteria.

"I wish these had pockets," You muttered to yourself, not knowing where to put your phone so you can enjoy your fruit sando. Deciding to slip half your phone between the waist of your skirt, smiling to yourself at the great idea before grabbing the sandwich and taking a small bite out of it after unpacking it.

Your eyes taking in the soft swoosh of the branches from the breeze, the fallen leaves skating across the brick walkways of the courtyard, a few birds flying a few meters over your head. So distracted in the scenery that you didn't hear your name being called, instead, you paused in your tracks and took both your earbuds out when feeling a tap on your shoulder.

Slowly turning around to see who tapped on your shoulder to see three girls standing there. The same three girls from your classroom that sat a couple seats forward from you, your eyes darting from one nametag to the other. A name you were very familiar with on your right, "Hi. You three are in my class."

"Yes," The shortest female smiles from ear to ear, "Nice to meet you, (Y/N)! I'm Choi SuAh."

You smiled, taking and remembering the name as she continued introducing the other two behind her.

"Kang SuJin, my best friend and our school's goddess according to me," SuAh smiles towards the tallest female out of the three.


"Im JuGyeong," You smiled, dipping your head slightly at seeing a familiar face. Even though she had makeup on, you can still tell that it was Im Ju Gyeong from your old school. Taking note that she wore makeup, not wanting to point it out because there had to be a reason for her to start wearing makeup when she didn't at your old school, "Nice seeing you again."

"You know each other?" SuAh questions, looking between the two of you.

JuGyeong hesitated, but eventually nodded her head, stuttering out a "Y-Yes."

"She went to my old school," You carefully pointed out, sending her a smile that reached your eyes, "Still pretty I see."

"You guys went to the same school?!" SuAh exclaims with a big smile, all 6 eyes looking at the short female, "What was your school called?!"

You noticed the panicked look on JuGyeong's face and decided to change the subject before she could open her mouth. Using your free hand to break the barely eaten fruit sando in half and handing the unbitten half to Su Ah, "It doesn't matter. Do you want to try some?"

"Could I?" She questions, hands moving to grab the half piece, but pausing.

You nodded your head with the same smile you sent to JuGyeong.

LOW-KEY [TRUE BEAUTY; SEOJUN HAN]Where stories live. Discover now