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The next day, you had the following day off from school, your brother's words for and I quote "to settle down." Even though it kind of wasn't necessary for you to miss school, you really appreciated the day off and decided to spend it wisely by unpacking and organizing your apartment. Saving to buy groceries after school hours so you don't run into the law enforcement for "ditching school" if you were to go during the day. The day was just filled with organizing your clothes, your toiletries, and your kitchen before finishing off the day with some grocery shopping.

It was getting late and you couldn't help but straighten out your outfit because you didn't have your school uniform and were going to change into it in the school bathroom. Small butterflies fluttered around your stomach at transferring to a new school, but you slowly let out a small breath to calm your nerves. Not wanting to work yourself up and not being able to sleep for the rest of the night. Brushing your teeth in your bathroom and clicking the lights off for downstairs before heading upstairs. Slipping under the covers before clicking the lights off and snuggling to the center of your bed. Closing your eyes and it didn't take long before you were slipping into unconsciousness.

You woke up slightly annoyed the following morning, waking up 3 minutes before your alarm went off which you couldn't help but let out a small groan. You slipped the covers off of you and grabbed your towel, taking a quick, but deep shower before blow-drying your hair to dry.

"Right," You remembered, straightening your hair with your straightener when your hair was finally dry, "I don't have anything to make breakfast. Not even cereal! How could I forgot?!"

Unplugging your hair iron and placing it back into its cabinet before heading upstairs. Carefully grabbing your hung outfit and nodding at how there were no wrinkles on the skirt and jacket, "It's okay. I think I saw a bakery when I came back from the store."

Quickly putting your outfit on and smoothing down the tiny wrinkles, looking at your full-length mirror to make sure that your outfit was alright for the day. When satisfied with the results, you stuffed your wallet into a pocket of your backpack before slinging the bag over your shoulders. Grabbing your earbuds off your desk before making your way to your closet downstairs that was filled with a couple of jackets and your shoe rack. You opened the closet doors but paused to double-checked the weather to make sure that the weather was alright, grabbing your expandable umbrella just in case the weather forecast was wrong and gently zipped that into your backpack. Placing your feet through the openings of your black sadie ankle boots, a hand zipping it up and the other hand wiped a few fuzzy pieces off your shoe with your thumb. You looked through your backpack and fumbled with your items as you double-checked your items.

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