Chapter 11

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THEY HAD BEEN IN NARNIA FOR 6 years when Peter, Nick and Edmund came back from a small fight with rogue Telmarines

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years when Peter, Nick and Edmund came back from a small fight with rogue Telmarines.

They stopped at the castle, Susan and Lucy greeting them in the medical room as Peter explained his heroics to them like always.

"Till I  killed the guy who tried to stab you," Nick said and he laughed. She began to glide your hands over his shoulder blades and he could faintly feel your movements under his armour as she pulled them off. She took the chain mail off, revealing the wound in his arm.

Peter winced as he continued his story about the two 22 year olds, Nick interrupting often to add her own parts to the story.

"That is true, she did punch a Telmarine in the face" Peter said, smiling at her as she wrapped rhw bandage round his arm gently.

"I don't know where I'd be without you," Peter said and Nick chuckled.

"Dead probably," Nick stated and Peter laughed.

She leaned in, kissing him gently before he put his hand at the back of her neck, pulling her in more.

"Get a room," A 15 year old Lucy yelled and the two just laughed as they pulled away, smiling at her.

Later that day, the two walked down the beach just talking about the squirmish between some rogue Telmarines and a Narnian camp.

They walked through the the water as it started to rise, their feet getting wet.

"You know I love you right," he said as they stopped, Peter leaning his forehead on hers.

She smiled at him, taking a second to look at the way that his face had changed during their six years. The way that his hair had overgrown slightly and a soft stubble had grown over his chiselled jaw.

"I love you too," she said before he pushed her into the water.

Nick sat up, scoffing before grabbing his leg, pulling him down into the water with her, a laugh slipping off of her lips.

They swam out a little bit towards the deeper end of the water, just holding onto each other. His hands find her under water, gently tracing her ribcage as she stared at the white shirt sticking to his chest.

She watched as the water droplets rolled off his face and he stared back at her, watching as her hair stuck gently to her cheek.

Her brushed a piece of hair off her forehead, placing his hands on her lower back and pulling her into a passionate kiss.

She loved his normal soft kisses but would never turn down one of these kisses. Where she could taste the love and passion on his lips and could feel one warm hand on her lower back and the other cupping her face in the desperate act of pulling her closer.

They pulled apart, smiling at each other as they realised they were soaked to the bone.

They walked back to the castle, Susan watching as they walked into their wing of the castle with a scowl on her face.

"You two are soaking wet, do you know how unique that carpet it?" Susan said gesturing to the soaking wet carpet beneath their feet. Peter just smiled at her, wrapping an arm around Nicks waist.

"You have a meeting with some Lords Peter, in ten minutes," Susan explained, walking off and Peter turned to his girlfriend, kissing her quickly.

"I wanted to treat you tonight," he whispered, she blushed, looking up into his eyes.

"Well, royal duty calls, I'll see you tonight," she said and he sighed.

"Yeah," he said kissing her forehead, walking off to get a new set of clothes and leaving Nick alone in the hallway with a smile on her face.

She turned around, ringing her hair out slightly as she walked back into their Chambers. It was cosy, nothing very valuable there but it was a nice room.

She sat on the bed, getting changed into her evening wear to prepare for him coming back.

Nick walked into the study to see Peter sitting at the desk in the corner in the room and she smiled at him, watching as he focused on the paper.

Nick watched for a second, admiring the way that the moonlight hit his stubble and how his pulled his lip between his teeth as he thought.

She walked over, putting her arms over his shoulders and kissing his temple.

"It's late," she whispered, watching him turn back to look at her, a smile on his face.

"Nicki, darling, I'll be done in a minute," he said, pulling her forward gently and pressing his lips on hers.

"Good, because I've got you a present, if you ever turn up," Nick said, dragging her nail gently over his jaw as he stared at her with admiration.

"God, I love you," he said and she smiled back at him.

"I love you too, but hurry up, I'm tired," she said, kissing him one more time before walking off.

"I'll be quick," he yelled after her and Nick laughed, her laugh echoing through the room.

"Just what a lady loves to hear," she yelled over her shoulder, watching as he stood up from his chair, chasing her through the halls of their wing of the castle until they got to the bedroom.

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