8- I prefer jelly legs to this

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"I'm about to die." Mila whispered with wide eyes.

"What did she call you?" Out of all the questions he could have asked...
"Mimi." She supplied. She wasn't really paying attention, to busy pacing back and forth trying to figure out how to not get killed by one of her best friends.

"My friends call me that." She muttered to him. Her pacing was speeding up now and before she knew it she was face down on the floor and there was a shooting pain coming from above her ankle.

She cried out as she rolled to get a better view of her latest injury and immediately regretted it when she saw her foot facing the wrong way.

Viktor had witnessed this and had no idea how she had managed it. One second she was walking around and the next she was in agony on the floor.
Setting Jasper down on the ground, he crouched down next to her and started to examine her leg.

"Ma is gonna have my head on a spike. If I'm lucky it will be a quick death." Mimi had laid back onto the ground and was mumbling into her hands that were covering her face.
"I know some healing spells." Viktor said shining the light from his wand over the clearly broken bone.

"Don't bother." She presses her finger back onto her bracelet and kept repeatedly saying 'guys' until Charlie's voice responded.
"What's happened?"
"Code blue." She replied looking down at her leg and almost throwing up.

"We're almost there. I've started planning your funeral. Closed casket so I don't have to see your face."
"Thanks Max dear." Mila grumbled back.

"Your boyfriend?" Despite the situation Mimi couldn't help but laugh.
Still giggling she explain that Max was short for Maxine and that she was more single than a lost sock.

"Do you all have nicknames?" Viktor chose to change the subject to something that would allow his slightly red face to go back to normal.
"Yup. I'm Mimi - hello, nice to meet you - Amber is Ma, Maxine is Max, Roxanne is Rox and Charlotte is Charlie or Charles if your feeling spicy."

"Can I call you Mimi?" She was not expecting that one. It was her turn to blush. She liked how it sounded with his accent, as cringe as she thought that sounded. She quickly search for a way to respond. Not liking how he wasn't even trying to hide the smirk on his face.
"Only if I can call you Vik."

It would be an odd situation to walk in on. Camila Godfrey leaning back on the ground propping herself up on her elbows with a broken leg, Viktor Krum the famous seeker kneeling down next to her. They were covering up there blushing cheeks with matching smirks that were highlighted by the glow coming from Viktor's wand.

"What did you mean when you said code blue?" Mila found Viktors questions very random. He was very interesting to her and she couldn't help but wonder how his mind worked.

"Lady language - Code blue: physical injury. Named after yours truly, my colour is blue and I'm always falling out of trees." Mila couldn't tell if the look on his face was concerned or confused. Probably a mix.

"You injure yourself often?" Mila found his curiosity quite endearing, he looked so innocent to the world as he asked her questions.

"Its a problem really. I like going off looking for new plants or animals but tend to get a bit too caught up in it. I play quidditch to, at school, I'm a beater for my houses team. I'm not that good and have a nasty habit of getting hit in the face." Wile she was explaining he was looking over all the injuries she had littered over her legs. He trailed his fingers over the scar above her knee with curiosity in his eyes.

Knowing he was going to ask, Mila started to explain how she fell down the stairs at school and slipped straight into a suit of armour. She was almost done with the story when they herd rustling.
Mimi drew Jasper into her chest, holding him tight, and Viktor held his wand out. The look in his eyes had changed and he was ready to fight any threat.

"Those idiots are mine." Mila sighed as she saw four squabbling girls exit the trees. Seeing the light from Viktors wand they swiftly made their way over.
"If I was You I would cover your ears." Mimi managed to whisper before Ma had started yelling.

When Ma stopped to catch her breath from shouting at her, Rox started. Viktor just sat there awkwardly waiting for someone to notice him. He caught their attention when he put his hand on Mimi's leg to stop her moving it. He didn't like how she would whimper in pain ever time she moved but, knowing her, she didn't even realise she was moving so much.

"Oh fucking hell! What did you do?!" Max had spotted her leg.
"I think I tripped on a tree root or something." In all honesty Mimi had no clue how she ended up like this.

A grumbling Ma moved to inspect her leg and Rox faced the opposite direction feeling light headed.

Max was stood gawking at Mila's leg wile Ma poked it. Rox had sat down at this point and was getting ready to empty her stomach. Charlie went to go try soothe her but then remembered something.

"Wait, who are you?"
"Mimi... is that Viktor Krum?!"

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