Chapter 14

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Third Person's POV

The two  Saiyan teen were continue their usual training on earth after accomplishing the goal on getting stronger in the process throughout the last 2 months even depending on the use of the hyperbolic time chamber sometimes as Kefla obtained SSG after a while of remaining longer in SSJ3 getting the hang of the form itself, knowing it wasn't an easy task for her wanting blue form so badly as well so mainly Alex was focusing on that with her since having to train very vigorously though knowing she doesn't need that many forms without use the remaining ones she currently possess as the lovely couple were pretty beaten up for going all out again which resulted in their clothes torn in places like typically anime fights especially female...areas that'll leave up for speculation but for now things are really well for them only outside of Earth was something coming that they've never faced before even if being apart of the same race but different and  exciting.

Alex's POV

The Saiyan boy was just laid out on the grass slowly sat up on the opposite side of Kefla who look typically annoyed what you expect from someone having better experience and combat against slugging someone as he smiles softly telling her. "Phew...That was a good training session but I'm pretty beat for today, so let's just relax and probably go to the lake!!" He said to her calmly getting up from the ground with his Gi upper shirt ripped apart showing off some of his chiseled chest with his pants torn around his bottom legs but not so much having to remain in his base form since she still couldn't defeat him which is obvious and needs to still control her god form before obtaining blue but if he had to chose red is better in his opinion as the teen was waiting patiently for her response with his hands crossed.

Kefla's POV

Kefla huffs loudly in annoyance as she gets up showing some bare skin from her ripped train clothing staring back at her boyfriend "I'll leave you to that alone, I need to think of a way to beat you" then she walks off somewhere but only to mumble insults "Keep training he says, you got to remain focus he says. Dammit I want to become the strongest of all the universe and really telling me things , yet I love so I.....I'll try what he says" then she sighs closing her eyes only quickly opened when feeling a shot of extremely high then it got cold.  She was wondering where could it possibly be coming from to all of sudden affecting her body holding onto her shoulders in shiver like it was an instant snowstorm.

Cabba's POV

For the other universe 6 Saiyan male was just training with his master Vegeta wearing a more modern Armor to match the prince but also his own universe enjoying his time learning some things but was focusing on fighting in 100 times gravity would often go even higher if he's learned to use his current SSJ3 form has struggled for the most part but at least can last about one hour into it, than just completely using the form for 30 seconds draining his energy that fast so best not to use it so much he was already beaten up in the gravity room by Vegeta being stronger obviously at times he would allow his student to get some breaks here and there but have the teenager go all out as the sixth Saiyan would always be grateful for him. "That's enough training for now Cabba!! Go see your friends or whatever!!" Vegeta said with his usual grumpy tone walking out of the room knowing Kakarot is probably being bossed around his wife or something leaving his student to get up and walk out as he says to himself. "That was tough...but at least worth it to get even stronger around Kefla's level" he said softly smiling a bit flies off and goes to Alex's place possibly hangout.

Third Person's POV

In another universe where seeing the familiar Goddess of destruction was being fanned at and worshipped by her servants as this beauty Egyptian of this one named Heles sitting in her throne enjoying being fed with green grapes by one of her slaves as the Angel from behind her was standing in back around having to be uninterested which is surprising as the supreme Kai was at her side too, but also someone else standing in front of their lord who was crossing their arms listening to what she was telling them about who won the tournament of power and declaring a challenge against the universe 7th Saiyan as the person nodded only agreeing to do this because they like fighting. The person was following an order on giving some kind of entertainment for the Goddess that is bored setting out the opportunity on fighting the strongest one in that world as the person's name is Frost.

Frost's POV

She is a pale skinned female with sharp icy blue eyes that gives her a cold and serious look but brings her more royal looks and long white hair that reaches to her waist with two side bangs that touches her shoulder, having an athletically built not all buff but has muscular pear figure. Being small on top with large breasts and big at the bottom even has a white tail. She is cold and stern will talk back to anyone she can outsmart or leave speechless but is wearing absolutely nothing like completely naked that at times Heles will question but instead doesn't get into arguments with her like the usual thing about attire as occasionally the universe 2 warrior will have on tight white sweat shirt with black baggy pants with ice blue strips ok the side, black ankle high boots and elbow high white fingerless gloves. So at the moment she was flying to the 7th universe as she is a Cryomancer Saiyan which is having ice abilities and can go all out in this fight if wanting to though. Frost had landed feet away from someone else who was looking at her and even called out to ask for a name or something but the ice Saiyan didn't even answer and walking by Kefla giving her a cold breeze but having a little fight where the fused warrior charged at her and was instantly gotten a hard hook to her gut as she calmly chuckles to observing the person that is being spotted who was sitting down the female ice Saiyan was then sitting on his lap with her legs on both sides of his own asking him. "Are the warrior Alex?"

Alex's POV

"Listen I'm very flattered that you probably find me attractive and all but I'm off the market by i please suggest of getting off of me" He said looking over at his girlfriend that was experiencing the pain inflict upon her by  fighting with the girl only get the wind knocked out of her but the ice warrior couldn't careless having to instantly zip pass pushing Kefla aside putting a hand onto his chest with the teen on the grass having female looking down at him has on a smirk and the other hand onto her hip hearing the words of her seductive tone. "I don't give a damn~ it doesn't matter to're still a cutie and strong...forget about her~!!" she said cupping his chin softly before caressing that gives the male speechless even seeing her boobs from up close and she kept on taunting the pitiful universe 6th warrior but also Kefla gotten back onto her feet in such anger and yells out. "Hey!!! You can't just waltz on here, flirting with my boyfriend!!!" She said having Frost to not even acknowledge her since noticing her power level is no match as she turns around facing the fused warrior pointed out her finger shooting an ice ball freezing her whole body for about 30 seconds leaving Alex very shocked and was trying to get out of her grip when feeling her hand on his neck began choking intensely.

Third Person's POV

Kefla was breaking out of the ice statue having to feel immensely cold when doing so taking notice of the Cryo Saiyan was choking out Alex and she began dashing forward hitting Frost's back which knocks her away to slide towards a tree but stopping herself that leads to letting the male go and only gets angry very immediately from someone being able to land a hit like that, she was stopping herself just in time staring down the fused female and began powering up to maximum getting ready for a fight. "You dare hit me!!! It's time I teach you a lesson bîtch!!!" She said dashing at Kefla who couldn't agree more doing the same getting ready to clash their fists and teleporting all over the forest as well jumping away then forward in fighting which didn't last long where Frost was demolishing this girl with using some basic attacks like some punches or kicks and ki regular ki blasts even some ice clones used as a party attack when the opponent hits her, she leaps back as the clone takes her place as the opponent hits them immediately turns into an ice statue even longer than thirty seconds with Alex having to watch the fight go down on the sidelines not sure if he should step in as it gives Kefla more experience in these situations with the female Saiyan breaking out freezing more and was getting kicked around easily while all in base form as the match continue with Frost just embarrassing her not going full power or anything finding the fused warrior pathetic. "Hehe You lack focus and thinking you're the strongest!! How lame Kefla!! Dare talk back to me" she said crossing her arms shaking her head slowly when Kefla was just on the ground beaten up very easily even showing off her ripped open pants revealing her white panties all tooted up as Alex was sweat dropping with a sigh knowing Kefla still has a lot to learn but turns to Frost begins transforming into SSJ2 and starts flying at her when she noticed he was now serious now likes that begins dashing at him with her tongue slightly out engulfed with white ki as the real fight starts.

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