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"I must've overdone myself," You muttered to yourself, rubbing the soreness on the back of your neck from sleeping over your desk. Slightly bopping your head to the music that was playing through your earbuds, "I have to really stop doing that."

You paused midstep down the stairs of the courtyard of your high school before laughing at yourself, the idea of stopping your sleeping position over your desk being too funny, "Who am I kidding? I'm probably going to do the same thing later today."

You resumed your journey down the stairs as a new song entered your ears, bopping your head side to side at another favorite song. Your eyes scanned the beautiful leaves and the flowers that bloomed around the courtyard until resting upon a group at the bottom of the staircase. You tilted your head to the side in confusion when seeing the small group with their phones held out in front of them, probably filming something. You took out an earbud when the only male of the group pushed the female with the navy jacket to the ground before grabbing something from off the floor and dumping the contents on the fallen female.

You let out a scoff at the disgusting behavior before pausing your music and wrapping your earbuds around your phone, sticking the phone into one of the side pockets of your backpack as you finished your way down the steps.

"Why do you hate me?" A voice was heard from the distance, the voice coming from the victim, "I haven't done a single thing wrong to you. So why do you hate me so much?"

"Should I educate you?" SaeMi Kim's voice was heard as you got closer to the group. You couldn't help but roll your eyes because it would be her you find bullying someone. You raised an eyebrow when her boney pointer finger harshly tapped the victim's forehead with each pause of her word, "Because. You're. Ugly."

You roughly pushed between the other female and male of SaeMi's posse and took big steps towards SaeMi and the female on the ground, your fingers tightly grabbing that boney finger and pulling her arm back. SaeMi lets out a yell before shouting out curses to who would interrupt her conversation, your eyes flickered to the female on the ground with fat tears rolling down her cheeks, drowning out SaeMi's voice before your eyes darted back towards the bully with a raised eyebrow, "What are you doing?"

"What's it to you?" SaeMi retorts back, trying to free her finger from your tight grip, but to no prevail, "Let go of me, you bitch!"

"Why should I?" You tilted your head.

"Because I said so," She shouts before snapping her eyes to her followers, "Why are you guys standing there like idiots?! Get her off of me!"

You snapped your eyes to her followers, looking at each one of them in their eyes as you dared them to move a muscle with your icy poker face. Slowly turning your head to look at SaeMi in the eye again when her followers didn't move a muscle, "Seems like you need to get some new followers."

"Let go of me!" She struggles more, her chest heaving because of her failure to break free from your tightening grasp.

"What are you? An elementary school kid?" You questioned, pulling her arm farther, "Bullying someone because you got nothing better in your life? Do your mom and dad not love you enough that you have to harass someone who is just trying to finish school?"

"You bitch!" SaeMi shouts, watching from the corner of your eye as her other hand come up from her side and towards your hair.

Your free hand is just as fast to grab her wrist, a small tsk escaping from your lips as you moved your head of hair away from her, "What were you going to grab? My hair?"

LOW-KEY [TRUE BEAUTY; SEOJUN HAN]Where stories live. Discover now