13- The Big Mess

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The six all started collecting the food they needed. Draco was next to y/n as he reached for the jug of juice. He glanced at y/n and she was humming. He was pretty bored. He didn't know what he was thinking.

"MALFOY!" Y/n shrieked as she was covered in purple juice. The people in the stands didn't hear but it caught the attention of their friends.

Y/n grabbed the other jug and threw it all over him. His hair had streaks of purple as he ran his hand through it. He grabbed a handful of chips and shoved them in her face and chest, going down her shirt. She shrieked. She felt disgusting!

"Woah, guys... let's stop before we get kicked out!" Daphne told them but they didn't listen.

Y/n grabbed another jug and threw the whole thing at him, on the head, and it even spilled on their four friends who were watching behind.

"I know I can use magic to fix this but you just ruined the shoes my mother gifted me." Blaise said, trying to calm himself down from the anger that was building up. He grabbed another jug from where he was standing and doused it all on the two.

Draco turned around, shaking off all the juice from his hands. "Disgusting! It's sticky!" He laughed and grabbed some chips, shoving it to Blaise.

"OI! STOP THAT!" A maintenance worker bellowed from a few levels up as he saw Theo, Daphne and Pansy join in. But they didn't stop, all fighting each other with food.

"Eat chips!" Theo screeched as he shoved them in Draco's mouth and hair.

All while this happened, Pansy and Daphne grabbed two jugs, one each, throwing it to y/n and Blaise.

Since Draco started it, y/n targeted him, grabbing some chicken nuggets, throwing them at him like snow balls one by one. He looked around to see where they were coming from and when he turned around she was just about to shove one in his face when he grabbed her wrist tightly, making her drop what she was holding.

"Ow! No need to get violent." She spat, pushing him back. He stumbled back into Pansy and Daphne, but quickly went towards her to shove her back. She nearly fell on the floor if it wasn't for the railing that was behind her. She looked back shocked. She could have fallen over the railing! She suddenly had so much anger, and shoved him back in the chest and he fell back on the table, breaking it into pieces.

Their four friends suddenly noticed what they were doing and as Draco was going to go and probably throw her down the stairs, Blaise and Theo held him back.

"Let me go! I can't let her hit me last," He struggled.

Y/n laughed at him and slowly stepped towards him, and fake pouted.

"Aw, little Malfoy can't get out. What will he do?-" She suddenly stopped talking as Draco attempted to kick her, but she stepped back in time. "Not very friendly." She smirked as she stepped towards him and was ready to kick him hard in the stomach.

"Do it," Draco spat against the grip of his friends but before she could her friends suddenly grabbed her and held her back.

She struggled.

Draco looked up at his friends. "Just one more shove." They didn't answer. "PLEASE!-"


Draco Malfoy and Y/n Y/l/n sat on opposite sides of the tent, tied up. The two struggled against the ropes, all while glaring at each other.

Theo, Blaise, Pansy and Daphne sat in the middle, between them on a wooden box big enough for the four of them. They were all cleaned up with a flick of a wand. Theo sat with his head on his hand, that was rested on his knee, staring at his feet. Blaise sat with both elbows on his knees with his head on his hands, same with Daphne and Pansy.

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