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Semi decided to finally confessed properly,the last time he did they were in a argument.Everyone helped him how to confess,soon the day came.

"Semi calm down you'll do fine"Ushijima told him "I'm sorry I'm just really nervous!"Semi said as he was shaking.Semi was thinking about how ill he answer when he will ask him, "Eita!Calm down?!"Tendo said as he passed him the necklace he supposed to give Shirabu when he confesses. "Look just tell him you're feelings and give him this if he accepts"Tendo told added.Semi  relaxed his shoulders a bit.

They waited till Shirabu arrived at the place semi had told him to meet,he soon arrived at a garden.He was looking around and a blue butterfly had landed on his nose.Shirabu didn't move then he lifted his hand and the butterfly moved onto his hand,he was now holding it.

Semi then came out where he was hiding at and made his way to Shirabu, Shirabu saw semi and waved at him. Shirabu was wondering why semi wanted?

"Semi why'd you want to meet up here?"Shirabu asked him "Well remembered what I told you when we first argued?"Semi reminded him. Shirabu was thinking,then he remembered "Yeah..."Shirabu said "Well I wasn't lying when I told you I loved you"Semi told Shirabu.They both a tint of red on their cheeks,he went closer to Shirabu.He then proceed to ask "Will you be my boyfriend?". Shirabu eyes shot up at the question, he was speechless "I uh no?!"Shirabu didn't know what to say his head was full of all kind of things."Oh shit I mean yes!"Shirabu them corrected his answer,semi sighed of relief.

Semi then Remembered about the necklace and pulled it out of his pocket. He passed it to Shirabu and he had a confused look on his face."Whats this?" He asked semi "Open it"Semi told Shirabu,he then opened the box.He saw it was necklace inside,a necklace that his name on it 'Kenjirou'.He loved it and hugged semi "Thank you!"He thanked semi for it.He hugged him back,"Hmm but how come you didn't put Shirabu?"He asked him "Because it wouldn't make sense if Semi was your last name and you had Shirabu around neck"Semi explained to him and Shirabu immediately blushed.He hid semis chest "Don't say things like that!" Shirabu told him "But it's true"Semi confirmed it "You don't even know if we still be together.."Shirabu told semi "Then I'll just have to make sure that we don't never break up"Semi said as he gave him a smile...

I know you probably this chapter was cringe but I didn't know how to this confession waaa.
Anyways sorry for not updating also let me know if you want chapters of the future

𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻

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