The morning

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Semi and Shirabu didn't know they were cuddling in there sleep and the baby was still sleeping peacefully in her crib.Tendo was coming in the room to check if the baby was awake but he found Shirabu and semi sleeping together so he made sure his sound on his phone was silent then took a picture.Then he made sure the hidden camera was still in its place where he left it yesterday,he then saw it and left the room quietly to not make a sound.

Tendo and Ushijima were the only ones awake so they were watching the clip of Shirabu and semi taking care of the baby last night.They replayed it multiple times on Tendos phone until everyone else woke up besides Shirabu and Semi.Everyone watched it but talked about it quietly since they didn't want to wake them up.Tendo showed them the picture of them sleeping together.

A hour later Semi woke up,"Hmm oh it's just Shirabu"Semi said waking up and rubbing his eyes "hmm?"Shirabu said while waking up due to Semis movements."Hey Shira"Semi whispered to him "Oh hi semi."Shirabu said back "Can you move for I can check on the baby?"Semi told Shirabu "oh yeah sorry"Shirabu said as he rolled away.Semi went to check on the baby to find her playing with toys in the crib,He then grabbed and was about to make her a bottle "Let me make the bottle semi"Shirabu said as he stood up from the bed "Do you know how to make it?"Semi asked Shirabu "Totally!"Shirabu was lying "Here grabbed her for me let me make it"Semi said as he gave Shirabu the baby.Tendo got a notification on his phone saying there was movement happening so he pressed on it to find Shirabu and Semi awake.They were making the baby a bottle "Here let me see her"Semi said as he grabbed her and put the bottle in her mouth "Can I feed her this time?"Shirabu asked "Here but be gentle"Semi told him "Mm okay but help me tho because I'm scared"Shirabu told him "Okay here let me help you carry her"Semi said as he went behind Shirabu and put his hands around his waist "Semi this isn't helping me"Shirabu was confused "Yeah I know"Semi said as he laid his head on his shoulder "Your overthinking it too much your not gonna drop her"Semi whispered to him.Shirabu didn't know what to say but they didn't know that everyone was watching them from the camera.

Few minutes later~

"Semi she's done now and I think everyone else is probably awake" Shirabu said "Mmm okay let's go make breakfast then"Semi said unwrapping his hands from Shirabus waist."Dada!"The baby said "Yes sunshine" Semi said as he grabbed the baby and gently threw her up in the air a little "Mama?"The baby looked at Shirabu "Yes thats mama!"Semi told her and she giggled.
"okay now let's go"Shirabu said as he opened the door to go to the living room "Hey I see you guys are awake now?"Ushijima said acting like he was just not watching them from the camera "Hey everyone is awake"Semi said "Here me and Shirabu is gonna me breakfast"Semi finished talking as he lend the baby to Goshiki.

Making breakfast~


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