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"Hey everyone we're back"Semi said walking in the gym,they had one bag in there hand each and they were both full of clothes "Why do you guys buy so much clothes??"Taichi asked "Because Semi wanted to"Shirabu said "Good job semi!"Yamagata said "Wait..aww this is a bunny onesie and it comes with a clip too!"Tendo said wanting to try it on mini Shirabu "Okay let's try it one!"Goshiki said.

After they put it on~
"Aww she looks so cute!"Semi said "Anyways we don't have school tomorrow so want to have a sleepover?"Ohira said,everyone agreed "Wait who's house?" Semi asked "Mine I live alone anyways"Shirabu said."Well okayy let's go now"Taichi said.

Everyone went to there house to get extra clothes and things they needed then went to Shirabus house.

At Shirabus house~

They're were playing games and watched a couple movies,it was 10 pm and Tendo reach in his bag to grab something.He took out three blunts that were in a ziplock bag and with a lighter "Okay so like I don't want to do this alone that's why I brought it so you guys can smoke with me"Tendo said "Wait hold up"Shirabu said going to his room and when he came back he had four blunts with him.Everyone was surprised "Shirabu you smoke?!"Taichi asked "Well no shit"Shirabu said as he grabbed a lighter from his pocket and lit it."Shirabu the baby is still here?!"Semi said "Okay?"Shirabu then took out of his mouth and passed it to Tendo,he grabbed the baby but then semi took her out of his hands "I'll go put her to sleep go smoke if you want"Semi told him "You sure?"Shirabu asked him "Yes I am sure you stressed to much today"Semi Told him and walked to Shirabus room to put her asleep.Everyone had a smirk on there face but took it off when Shirabu came back to sit down on the floor.They passed it around few times but Taichi and Goshiki didn't want to hit it,after 15 minutes semi came out the room and put a towel under the door so they baby won't smell it.He sat down next to Shirabu "You want to hit it..?"Shirabu asked him lending the Blunt to him "No I'm fine"Semi told him "Mm you sure?" Shirabu asked him again "Yes I'm fine Shirabu"Semi told him but after a while Taichi and Goshiki started to hit it and it was semi left,he didn't want to because the baby was here and because all his friends were now high.
He heard the baby crying so he got up to go check on her,"Shhh go back to sleep"Semi told her with a smile "He grabbed the formula and made her a bottle,she then drunk it to sleep.He went to go check on his friends after the baby went back to sleep again,He saw his Friends and they were just talking about random things.Shirabu then got up and fell right back down "Waaaa..okay I'm okay now"Shirabu said "well we should get to bed now"Semi told them "But-"Tendo was about to say "No buts satori but where's Ushijima?" Semi asked.Goshiki pointed in a corner,Semi saw Ushijima and told him to go to sleep.Ushijima listened but couldn't walk correctly so Semi had to help him.Shirabu had a few extra rooms.Tendo and Ushijima shared one, Yamagata and Taichi shared one,Ōhira and Goshiki shared one.It was semi and Shirabu left,"Cmon Shira let's go to bed"Semi told him "No!"Shirabu refused "Yes Shira let's go"Semi told him "Okay I'll sleep if you sleep with me?"Shirabu said "If that's going to make you sleep then fine"Semi said "Go sit while I get rid of the smell"Semi told Shirabu.Shirabu went to go sit down on the couch as Semi open the door and sprayed febreze to get rid of the smell.After he was done,"Okay let's go now also go change cause you smell like weed"Semi told him "Mmm okay!" Shirabu said going to his room,"Wait I'll just go get it for you!"Semi said going to Shirabus room and grabbing him some clothes "Here now change"Semi gave the clothes to Shirabu.He changed and semi put his clothes in the washer with everyone else clothes.Then they headed to bed.

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