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Nobody POV
"SOMEONE HELP PLEASE"Semi yelled to get peoples attention "Sir please don't yell..HURRY UP"A nurse said.They got Shirabu in a room taking care of him.Semi was outside the room waiting for Shirabu to be ready to leave soon."Sir don't gotta worry he's fine"A nurse telling semi "In about 10 minutes he'll be able to leave"She finished her sentence before walking away.Semi went into the room where Shirabu was in sleeping on the bed.Few minutes Shirabu woke up with pain in his arms "Uhh Shirabu don't move"Semi told him "o-oh okay..."Shirabu said laying back down on the bed "When can we leave?"Shirabu asked semi "In about 10 minutes"Semi replied "Oh okay.."Shirabu replied then going back to sleep.

20 minutes passed~

Nobody POV
Shirabu finally woke up again "Why are we still here?" Shirabu asked clueless "Dumbass you fell asleep again"Semi told him "Don't call me a dumbass and can we leave already"Shirabu said and whined.They both got up and Shirabu got dressed because he was in hospital clothes,Semi was driving them back to the school.When they got there Shirabu saw his dad getting arrested "Kenjirou tell them they have no reason to arrest me son"Shirabu dad told him.Shirabu walked up to the cops and his dad then said "Make sure he spents there for a long time..SINCE WHEN WAS I YOUR SON YOU ALWAYS ABUSED ME AND YOU JUST PUT ME IN THE HOSPITAL YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL ME YOUR SON...I am ashamed to have you so called my "Father". Shirabu snapped,"I AM YOUR FATHER!"Shirabu dad yelled at him "AND IM GUESSING THAT BITCH IS MY MOM RIGHT?!OH WAIT I HAVE NO FUCKING MOM CAUSE I WATCHED YOU FUCKING KILL HER"Shirabu yelled at him "And just to let you know I will also make sure to put her in jail for sexual abuse"Shirabu said before calling his step mom come pick him up from school,he haven't seen her for a long time "Hey Kenji-" she said before seeing his dad in handcuffs "Why are the cops taking him?"The women act clueless "Come out for me please" Shirabu told her. She steps out of her vehicle and Shirabu puts her by where the cops are at "You guys can take her now"Shirabu told them "Wait Kenjirou what going on?!"The women asked him "Sexual abuse"Shirabu said and smiled at her "Kenjirou you will pay for this!"His step mom told him "Oh I sure will"Shirabu said before taking his baby sister out the vehicle "And just to let you know I will adopt her and have full custody of her too if you don't mind..oh wait you don't have a choice"Shirabu told them "You can't take away my child like that!"She told him.Shirabu looked at her "And who said I gave two shits again?Oh wait nobody and she doesn't need a mother of a monster like you!"Shirabu told her,"You raped my son!"His dad told her "Now you care?"Shirabu said while giving his sister to Tendo "Omg you look so much like Shirabu"Tendo whispered to the child. The baby smiled and saw the first year Goshiki,She pointed at his bangs and hers.She saw semi and pointed at him "Oh uh hi mini Shirabu"Semi told her, "Se.."That's all came out of her mouth "My name is Semi"Semi smiled at her,they all distracted her while Shirabu was yelling at his "Parents". The baby liked Tendo the most because of his red hair and she said he looked pretty.Tendo started crying when she told him that,she wiped his tears,they all admired mini Shirabu and when Shirabu came back from where the cops were he smiled at how fun they looked with his sister.*Gasp*Tendo did "Shirabu smiled!"Tendo said out loud,the baby looked at him "Oh I meant Kenjirou"Tendo corrected himself.Then the baby went with Goshiki "So if your gonna take care of the kid now who's gonna be the dad?"Taichi said on purpose "meh who knows"Shirabu said "Hey who's your dada now?"Goshiki whispered to Tendo baby.She automatically looked at semi "Dada!"She pointed at him "Oh I'm not your dad-"Semi tried to say.She looked at him with a freighting look. "Oh Um yes I am your dada"Semi told her."Looks like her new name has to be Michiko Shirabu Semi"Taichi said "I'm not changing her name"Shirabu told him "Fine I'll do it myself then hmph"Taichi said "You better not"Shirabu said "Fine then 'Michiko Shirabu Aiko Semi"Taichi added Shirabus biological mothers name "Actually yeah I'll change it to that but i don't know about the Semi one"Shirabu said "Semi you want the child to have your name in it?"Taichi asked him "I don't mind being the father for her"Semi said "Okay that's settle then!"Taichi said "But I don't want her to have Shirabu in it"Shirabu said "Let's put Tendo or Satori in her name since she likes him a lot"Shirabu said "Tendo what name do you want the baby to have Tendo or Satori?"Taichi asked him "Satori is better"Tendo replied "Okay then 'Michiko Satori Aiko Semi' yup such a unique name"Taichi said "I agree but the reason I don't want her to have Shirabu in it because she doesn't need to be part of a monster family"Shirabu said "It's your choice but when are you going to change it?"Taichi asked him "After I become her guardian and have full custody of her" Shirabu said "Is she still going to be your sister?"Taichi said "Nope she is going to be my daughter"Shirabu said "I guess then"Taichi Told him.They all went back in the gym for practice but instead of that they were all just playing with Shirabu baby sister besides Shirabu.

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