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"Okay so everyone is done eating?"Semi said as he walked in the kitchen
"Indeed my friend"Yamagata said standing up "So what do you guys want to do?"Semi asked them "I don't know smoke?"Tendo said not knowing what to say "Dear lord anything but that"Semi told him "Pfft what about to the mall?"Goshiki said "But a different mall since were banned from the last one"Taichi said "Oh yeah"Goshiki forgot "Okay I'll just go ask Shirabu"Semi said walking out the kitchen.
When semi came back Shirabu was sticking up the middle finger to Michiko,"Fuc-"Shirabu tried to say before semi interrupted "Shirabu?"Semi said."Y-Yes Semi?"Shirabu was scared for his dear life right now,
"Why?" Semi is all came out of his mouth but he was very upset "I-I have no explanation.."Shirabu said as he looked down."Anyways can we go to the mall today?"Semi asked,what a mood change am I right? "Aren't me,Goshiki and Taichi banned from there?"Shirabu said "Yeah but we'll go to a different one"Semi told him "I mean why not?"Shirabu said standing up and walking to his room before he slipped on one of the baby toys,Semi tried to catch him but fell right on top of him (See what I did there😏)
"ow!"Shirabu said as he hit the ground
"That h-"Shirabu tried to get up but semi was right on top of him in a weird position like as they were having se-.
(Jk jk unless-) "Semi can you get off?"Shirabu told him as there faces were totally not inches away "Oh uh sorry!"Semi said as he got off from shirabu but he was now sitting infront of him.
Semi was between Shirabu legs,"Uh..
Semi can you move..?"Shirabu was a little embarrassed.Semi noticed Where he was at and moved "Sorry!"Semi apologized "It's fine besides it was an accident"Shirabu told him."But this isn't"Semi grabbed him and threw him the couch,got on top and they were in same position as they were on the floor.
Shirabu covered his face due to embarrassment "Dont do that!"Shirabu told Semi "But I want to~"Semi replied
"Nooo"Shirabu said "Fineee"Semi complained and got off from him. Michiko was still watching them "Mama? Dada?"She was confused of what was happening "Yes?"Semi said as he went towards her,She pointed to a paper that have fell from a window.
Shirabu walked and grabbed the paper is said:

Haha you really think you can just put your own parents in prison?Your wrong we have escaped now and don't even plan on calling the cops on us cause we are gonna come unexpected -Your lovely parents

Shirabu eyes widen as he read the note
"What happened?"Semi asked him
"T-They escaped Prison"Shirabu replied "You are joking right?" Semi said as he looked the fear in Shirabus eyes.Shirabu closed the window and locked it,he did that for all the windows in his house but when he got to his room it was dark and the window was open so he tried to turn on the light but it was broken."Hmm do I need light bulb?" Shirabu said as he looked at his window "'s open.."Shirabu said as he was scared to move,he heard the door close and he now felt someone behind me.Tendo got the notification and he pressed on it to find Shirabu with two other people.He grabbed a knife and looked at the camera once more to see if they were still in the room,yes they were Tendo opened his door and stabbed Shirabus dad."What the fuck!"He yelled in pain,Shirabu was now behind Tendo and the others rushed in when they heard someone scream."Get the fuck out!"Tendo yelled at them "Ah okay jeez!"His dad said as he and his step mom left from the window.Tendo now had a bloody knife in his hand "You okay?"Tendo asked Shirabu "Y-Yes im fine but howd you know I was in trouble..?"Shirabu replied and asked Tendo.He didnt want to say he had a camera in the room because Shirabu will be very mad
"Something felt wrong and it took you more than five minutes to close a window"Tendo said "Oh.."That all Shirabu said.

Later at the mall~

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