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Semi and Shirabu were in the kitchen making breakfast,They were first cooking the bacon "oww"Semi said as oil jumped on his hand "Pfft-"Shirabu said trying not to laugh out loud "Hey it's not funny"Semi said rubbing his hand "Shut up and make the bacon before it burns!"Shirabu told him."Oh shit I forgot-"Semi said as he went and flipped the bacon.They were done with the bacon and now the eggs "Scramble or baby?"Shirabu asked "Scramble is better"Semi said "Mmm okay then"Shirabu said and cracked some eggs in a bowl and stir it,they poured it on the pan and stared to mix it around till it was ready."Now we just need the pancakes"Semi said grabbing the ingredients "How do you make pancakes?"Shirabu asked "I don't know?"Semi said "Meh let's just to do it off from scratch"Shirabu said not giving a damn "That's all we need but we are missing..the flour we're missing the flour"Shirabu was thinking then figuring out what they needed.Semi went to the cabinet and grabbed the pack of flower "Here Shi-"Semi said before slipping and dropping the flour,it went every where,Shirabu and Semi looked at eachother but Semi was still on floor and they were both covered in flour.Goshiki was about to walk in with the baby and saw the kitchen "Nope bye"Goshiki said as he turned his body and walked away,Semi and Shirabu started burst out laughing "Okay now we need more-"Semi said as he was getting up and slipping back down."Semi get up and let's make the pancakes before the eggs and bacon get cold"Shirabu said while holding his laugh in and has a serious face on.
"Wow so meannnn"Semi said and was pouting "Whatever just get me more flower"Shirabu told semi and semi grabbed the flour and gave it to him.
They were both helping eachother make the pancakes even tho Semi was mostly just hugging Shirabu from behind.Shirabu just let him since he was comfortable already then he was finally done making them "Okay Semi I'm done now"Shirabu told him "Mmm okay"Semi said knowing he has to stop hugging Shirabu now.They weren't even together but acting like if they were a couple.Shirabu then saw something shiny by the fruits and looked directly at it,everyone saw Shirabu looking at the camera and were scared he was gonna go toward it "Meh"Shirabu said and shrugged his shoulders."Everyone breakfast is ready!"Semi said out loud,everyone soon came in made themselves a plate of food.Semi made a plate for the baby and sat next to her to feed her,"Here comes the airplane~"semi said as the baby opened her mouth to put the food in.Shirabu was watching Semi feed her and he had a smile on his face, "ISKSJKEIS"Taichi yelled something.
"What the fu-"Shirabu was about to curse then semi gave him a death glare "I mean what happened" Shirabu rephrase himself "Oh um he was chocking on his food that's all"Tendo covered for him "mmm okay"Shirabu said and left the room.Michiko (aka the baby) turned around to see Shirabu leave the room "Mama?"She said
Semi and Shirabu paused and everyone else did pretending like didn't know
"Mama? Who's that Michiko?"Tendo asked her.She pointed to Shirabu "Ohhh okay~" Tendo said and everyone
Just continued eating,"Yes Michiko what do you need?"Shirabu asked her.
She wanted him to carry her so he did and semi went with them.They were in the living room chilling and playing with Michiko,"They sure act like a couple"Ushijima said "Yes they do more like a married couple"Ohira said.
"I mean they aren't together? But like eachother and want to raise a kid together?!" Goshiki said."Yeah but I need to move the camera Shirabu almost found it"Tendo said "Yeah or we all be fucked"Yamagata told them.

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