Why Did You Do It? Ch. 7

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Hey! decided 2 upload 2 chapters bc i love you all and you guys are being 100% AMAZING<3333

once again sry its not longer!

cheesehead X)

Chapter Seven

          Jared could hear the sirens from miles away, but he chose to ignore them- he wasn't finished his master piece yet. "Come on Jar," One of his friends called. Jared looked over his shoulder, and noticed it was Ethan. They shared the same cell in prison, and Ethan just got out, so he probably didn't feel like going back anytime soon.

          "Nah man," Jared said, "I'm almost finished."

          Ethan sighed, while Jared shook the spray paint. He continued to spray the hair on the girl. It curled around her shoulders, which made Jared smile. Then he remembered he had to give her a smile. So he reached his arm up, and created a smile that made her look like she was on top of the world.

          "Wow," Ethan whispered, "You know a girl like that?"

          Jared thought about answering, but thought it would be better not too. He finished drawing her body, and stopped around her waist, maybe a little lower. He went over her eyes again, because they had to be perfect- captivating. "Do you have any green?" Jared asked.

          "Does it look like I have green?" Ethan growled.

          "Well I need green," Jared hissed.

          "She's fine," Ethan snapped, "Let's go. I can't afford to get caught again."

          "You're fine," Jared shrugged, "We won't get caught."

          "Jared," Ethan laughed, "You always get caught."

          Jared stopped, and realized he had heard that before. He just couldn't remember where. Slowly he looked up at the mural of the girl, and smiled. Somehow she always crept back into his mind.

          Lisa must have caught Jared staring at it though, because she shoved his shoulder hard. "That better be me," She sneered.

          "That's not you," Ethan laughed, "You're not nearly as pretty."

          Lisa shoved him too, and looked up at the mural. "Who is it then," She snapped, "Why are you drawing her, and not me? Tell me where this girl is, because imma kill her."

          "I wouldn't draw you, because you'd get caught," He whispered, "And I would never tell you where she is."

          He finished the last few touches to the graffiti picture, as the sirens got louder. "Come on man," Ethan yelled. Jared sighed, and signed the bottom of the painting, because he didn't want anyone to get in trouble but himself. His Father always taught him to take responsibility for his actions. That's what his Father had told him when his Father first turned Jared in. So Jared signed it with a big J in the middle of the circle. It was childhood nickname, and it just kind of stuck with the way he signed things.

          "Let's go," Ethan shouted, grabbing Jared's sleeve, and pulling him away.

          "Freeze," A police officer shouted.

          "I love when they say that," Lisa chuckled, "Like we're really going to stop."

          The three of them ran down the alleyway, and made a left behind the restaurant. "Quit lagging behind Lisa," Jared growled.

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