The arguement and decision by thranduil

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The next day.

“Quel amrun, mela.” Legolas said when Tauriel walked into the dining room.

“Mela?” Thranduil asked surprised, “You mean to tell me that you and the Peasant have become a COUPLE!!!!!” Thranduil said his voice growing into a yell. “Well I Will Not Allow IT!!” he shouted.

“I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU THINK!!! I LOVE HER AND SHE IS MY GIRLFRIEND!!!” Legolas yelled back. Tauriel slowly backed out of the room. "STAY!" Legolas commanded Tauriel. Tauriel stayed a scared look in her eyes, she looked like she was about to cry.

“YOU WILL MARRY THE PRINCESS NOT A COMMON GIRL!!!” Thranduil screamed, his face getting red.

“I WILL NOT! I WILL MARRY TAURIEL EVEN IF I MUST GO LIVE IN RIVENDELL TO DO IT!!!” Legolas screamed, tears starting to form in his eyes.

“What if I bann Tauriel from the kingdom, then what will you do?” Thranduil threatened.

“You wouldn’t dare!” Legolas said his voice darkening. Tauriel face got as pale as a ghost, and she tried to hold back tears.

“no please don’t do that. I will-- I will leave your son alone if it is your wish.” Tauriel said tears starting to stream down her face. “Amin mela, please, just give in, maybe it was for the best anyways.” Tauriel said, tears flooding down her cheeks.

“No mela, I will not give in, I am almost an adult elf  I can make decisions for myself” Legolas said, tears were starting to run down his face and drip off of his chin.

Thranduil watched his son and Tauriel as they embraced both crying and whispered stuff to each other. Something softened in his heart, and he smiled. He remembered how his wife had been the same, she had been a duchess while he was a prince and he had argued with his father until finally he and her ran away and got married in rivendell only to come back to his father dead after a battle and he became the king not knowing how to act or judge his people. he did not want this to happen to his son. a single tear drifted down his face.

“you can marry the girl, i give you my blessing.” Thranduil said sighing. “I know how hard it is to stop young love, for i was once in the same situation as you.” He smiled at them.

“Hannon Lle Hannon Lle, ada!!!” Legolas said running to hug his father. Thranduil smiled down at his son and gratefully accepted the embrace, a few tears streaming down his face. He stroked Legolas hair and let go.

e as he remembered Legolas running to him like this as a boy. Legolas backed away and then turned to his eleth. He gave her a huge grin and ran and swooped her up in his arms spinning her around. Tauriel laughed as she was brought down her lips meeting his. they kissed. Thranduil watched a bittersweet smile on his face, for he knew that his son was growing up, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Legolas and Tauriel left the throne room. Thranduil sat back down in his throne, thinking. How he wished he could have his little elf back. How he wished he could comfort his son in times of sorrow and rejoice with him in times of joy, But his son was an adult now, no more could he hold his son against his chest and wipe away his tears, no more could he stay up late reading to his son after a scary nightmare. Soon his son would have Tauriel to do that with. He was growing up, and Thranduil would have to allow it. he sighed.

Author note… sorry this is so short i am working on the next chapter now and it will be posted soon…. :)

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