The reunion

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As I waked into the reception of the Glasshouse Blake was standing there waiting for me. He was a navy suit with a white shirt he took one look at me and said "Wow Char you look beautiful, that dress is stunning on you"

I smiled at him and said "Thank you Blake" I kissed him on his lips which he seemed happy about he just wasn't Ryder and since I saw him yesterday I just couldn't stop thinking about him and how he made me feel.

We walked into the lounge hand in hand, we sat down for the meal and after I walked to the bar where I ordered a glass of champagne all of sudden I could smell him then I felt a familiar touch that I hadn't felt in so long.

"Ryder what the fuck are you doing here?" I said without turning around

"I'm getting a drink"

I shook my head and drunk all my drink so I could leave. "See you around Ryder" as I walked off he grabbed my arm and said "El you look stunning in that dress"

I froze, took a deep breath, snatched my arm away and walked off to be with Blake. When I walked to him I knew Ryder was still watching so I sat down next to him, put my hands on his cheeks, leaned my head to the right, opened my lips slightly, he leaned in to as well, followed my lead and then our lips met and started moving in sync together. Kissing was never a problem for Blake and I it was the sex, he just didn't match up to Ryder. When Ryder saw this he left and I pulled away made my excuses to leave to go the toilet.

When I got to the toilet I just wanted to go home, I can't believe I saw Ry and kissed Blake in front of him like that. The door to the toilet opened and in walked the beautiful lady who was in the shop yesterday with Ryder.

"Good evening, hope you're having a good time" the stranger said

I didn't really want to talk to her after all she is with Ryder now "I guess so " I replied

"That's good I am Jessica..." before she could say anything else I said "look Jessica it nice to meet you again, but I really hope you and your boyfriend are having a good time but I really need to go"

"My boyfriend, I don't have one...." she must have remembered that I saw her with Ryder as she then laughed and said "....oh god no he is definitely not my boyfriend. I mean Ryder is a great guy but definitely not my type".

"What, he isn't your type?" I asked shocked

She laughed and said "well let's just say you're more my type then he is" She replied

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry" I replied

"It's ok everyone thinks that we are together but he is just a good friend I promise Ella"

"How do you know my name?" I asked Jessica

"Well Ryder talks about you all the time " She replied

I couldn't take it so I just walked out and went outside for some fresh air when I could hear a male's voice in the background "PLEASE SIR DON'T KILL ME"

I knew I should have just gone back inside but I followed the voice and what I heard and saw next was not what I expected to see.

I saw a male wearing a red suit which is what all the members of staff were wearing. I couldn't see what he looked like as it was dark round the corner due to not much lighting. But I could hear every word next I heard the other person talk and I couldn't move "Don't fucking move!"

"Please Sir I can pay him back as soon I have the money, you don't need to do this" the man said

The other person didn't say a word at that moment and all I saw was something glisten in the small amount of light I knew it was gun. I walked closer but where I wasn't seen then the man with the gun put it to the man's head I yelled "STOP!" But just as I finished speaking the gun went off and there was thud. "Oh fuck!" the person said he walked over to me where he said "El what the fuck are you doing here?!" I couldn't say anything but there was were tears running down my face.

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