Ryder and Ella

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Ryder's POV 

When I left the shop Jessica was sat on a bench outside of the shop she looked at me and just said these words "spoil and don't tell me she is no one"

I looked at her and walked off without saying anything to her, instead I got my phone out of my jacket pocket and rang Scott.  "I have found her, she's in New York but she goes by the name Charlotte now, find me all the information on her. She works at B's Crew"

"On it Sir, but if she going by Charlotte chances are she has also changed her last name so she won't be known by Watson now, that would be why I couldn't find her" Scott replied

"Get me all the information on her and the prick that is with her" I then put the phone down, turned around and saw Jess walking towards me.  I waited for her to catch up and she said "so who is she?" 

I looked at her and said "someone that I fucked up with, so it really doesn't matter who she is" 

"So in that case then I could try my luck with her then?" Jess replied with a smile.  I knew she only said that to get a reaction by me "NO YOU FUCKING CAN'T JESS!" I yelled 

"and why is that Ryder?"

"She is with someone..." I replied with a pause

"Well that doesn't exactly matter does it, anything is fair gain with the heart" Jess replied

"Well you still can't try your luck Jess" 

"because?" Jess replied "You know I will still try unless I have a good enough reason Ryder"

"Oh for fuck sake Jess, you can't try your luck with her, because I fucking love her!"

"I knew it! That's why you have been talking to Scott all the time and avoiding Tara which I am glad about, Tara is not the one for you" she said.

"I know and I have to tell Tara that she will never be with me but.."

"Ryder don't you fucking dare finish that sentence! Tara is a bitch yes but she doesn't deserve to be someone fuck until a certain person comes back" Jess interrupted me.

I just looked at her, raised my eyebrow, shook my head and carried on walking to Jess's house.

POV Ella

When I woke up the next morning I had a message from Blake which read "Good Morning Char, I am glad you arrived home safely. I forgot to check if you are still ok going to the party tonight?"

I had completely forgot about the party tonight and I really didn't want to go I needed to get out of New York now that Ryder knows I am here, it won't be long before he finds that I changed my Watson to Jackson and I definitely can't be in New York when he does, but I can't let Blake down either he had asked me to join him 2 months ago so I owe it to him to go and keep my word. 

I picked up my phone and texted Blake back "I am still ok going with you I will be ready for 5pm"

I put my phone down and got out of bed to get ready for my day, I had the day off from the shop today so I could run some errands before tonight. Once I got ready I left the house as I knew I had a lot to do.

I had gone to a local café for lunch, I ordered a chicken and bacon salad and a drink, when I was done I asked for the check paid and left.  After a few hours of shopping and doing my errands I went home.  I couldn't find anything that I liked for tonight.  

When I got back to my flat there was a long package and a small box outside in the corridor just resting against my door.  I picked them up and walked into my flat, put the items on the table and opened the long package.

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