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I walked into school today, everyone was just standing around the doors. I came to see that someone had spray painted "Monty was framed" on the doors. My eyes started watering & i turned around to see Clay standing there. He ran up to hug me, he told me they were saying he killed Bryce & thats what that meant. I laid my head in my hands. Justin came in, "hey J" i looked up & smiled, he hugged me & sat down. I was never close with Alex, or Justin really. Mainly just Jeff, Hannah, Ani & Monty. Jess was there but we werent close. Me & Clay had starting getting closer when him & Hannah started talking, They were all there comforting me, Alex walked in. Asked how i was doing. I just shrugged. Tyler walked in, following them like the little puppy he was. "Hey J-" i cut him off. "dont talk to me. you were always in everyone business & you took it upon yourself to ruin the field. you know Monty never wouldve even fucked with you. especially not that bad if you hadn't felt entitled to call out the baseball team. You ruined my fucking life Tyler. You ruined Monty's life. so please do not feel the need to fucking speak to me." i grabbed my bag & walked out. Tyler looked hurt but i didn't care. I went to my classes trying to keep my mind occupied. The end of the day came & Zach came up to my locker. "Hey J you okay? ive never heard you blow up like that. Especially with Tyler." I felt like crying but i couldn't. "not here Zach" We walked out, we went to the park. "Zach i- im pregnant. Ofc its Montys, everything's ruined now" he smiled at me. He grabbed my hand & i looked at him, he pulled me in for a hug."Itll be okay, were all going to help." I cried into his chest, when i felt better i pulled away."Zach i, im moving to Riverdale after graduation. Im starting a new life" he gave me another hug."I think thats a good idea J, hed want you to be happy, he'll watch over you. Did you know, he always talked about you, not to everyone else but hed always say something to me about how you were so amazing, never bragged about being in your pants, just bragged about how he had such an amazing girlfriend." Zach looked up, i looked down at my stomach & smiled. "He loved you Zach. Just like he loved me, & my baby. He knew, before they took him away i told him. He gave my stomach a kiss. Zach it was such an amazing feeling. Just being with him, everything we did was amazing. We barley ever fought. I miss him, i miss him so much." Zach laughed & looked up. "yeah me too" Zach took me home after that, graduation only a few weeks away. I have half my boxes packed, Ani has her house ready, im ready to move. Im ready to start my new chapter. I just really wish Monty was still here.

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