Goodbye old life?

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Its been two days since Montys arrest. I still didn't feel like eating but the baby needed to eat. I drove to the docks, I stood where me & Monty used to stand. I felt the tears coming but i held them back. I had to stay strong for everyone, i drove back home but i decided i wanted to see Monty. I drove to the jail, they sat me in the room & brought him in. They took off the cuffs & he ran to me. We sat down & just talked. He wrapped his arms around me, he kissed my temple. "I love you baby" He mumbled, i laughed & said it back. He kissed me & they told him time was up. i drove around after that i cleared my mind. Ani called me, she was in town. We went to the beach, she wanted me to talk about Monty & what i would do with our baby. I told her i was keeping it, I knew Monty was going away for a long time. I had hope tho, i would wait for him. I went home around midnight, Ani was staying the night. We stayed in Hannahs room & For once i felt like a teenager. I passed out in Hannahs room & Ani took my room, when i woke up the next morning i went to make breakfast, there was an officer talking to mom. "Jasmine Baker." The officer said, i looked at him. Mom grabbed my hand & smiled at me. i looked back at the officer. " I know you went to see Monty last night, Jazz... Monty was killed last night. In his cell." I backed up. I was shocked, hurt. Scared, confused even. I shook my head no as my eyes started watering. "No i- no that's... thats impossible." I was choking back my tears. I ran upstairs & slammed the door. I couldn't hold it in anymore, Hannah came in & hugged me. The love of my life, father of my baby, my future. Gone. Montgomery De La Cruz, was gone. I hugged Hannah & my stomach. I fell asleep crying & when i woke up Hannah was still there. I went down to get some water, i grabbed some chocolate. I choked it down & drank my water. I went back to sleep. wearing Montys hoodie or clothes was my way of feeling his presence. Me & Ani went to the beach the next morning. "Ani i- I wanna go to Riverdale, with you. We went home & talked to mom. When i graduated, I was moving to Riverdale with Ani. I wasnt leaving Monty behind, hed always be my one & only, but i needed a healthy life for my baby.

Mr. Montgomery De La Cruz Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz