The bridge.

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The next day at school Bryce & Montgomery were staring at me as i walked in, Montgomery walked over to me & Leaned against the locker next to mine. "Hello Montgomery" i said with a smirk, "hey Jazz" he replied, we stayed silent for a few then when i got ready to leave he asked for my number, i held my hand out for his phone but he didnt understand. "you give me your phone, i put my number in." He handed me his phone i put my contact under "J" he put his under "Monty" we went to class. During 5th i decided i was going to skip but Monty saw me walk out he told me he had a car & we could take it. I told him about my favorite place to go so we went to the bridge. We sat & talked until the sun went down. He took a picture of us to set as my contact picture. We made plans to hangout again on Friday. He took me home & Hannah had a skirk on her face when i walked in. I told my parents about me & Monty becoming friends & hanging out I liked being around him. It was weird but i did.

Mr. Montgomery De La Cruz Where stories live. Discover now