News of a Bigger Camp

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  Kagyema visited the hospital nearly every day that week. Hinata managed to convince him to at least go back to practice, saying that,

"The least you can do for me is do well at Nationals!" Kageyama hadn't wanted to leave Hinata alone, but the other teenager hadn't given him much of a choice. So he went back to practice the following Monday. It had gone fairly well considering the circumstances. Almost everyone who knew of Hinata's condition had come up to Kageyama at some point to see how he was doing, most of which the setter brushed off. He only really admitted how hard it was to Sugawara and Daichi, both of whom were very involved and understanding.

Both Takeda and Coach Ukai had pulled him aside at different points throughout the day to see how he was handling things, to which he responded that he was getting by as best as he could. He couldn't stand the looks of sympathy he was getting though, Hinata deserved the sympathy, not him.

Practices were long and hard, and Kageyama was sure everyone noticed how many mistakes he made. But if they did they didn't say anything. It was like everyone was walking on eggshells around the setter, but Kageyama was too caught up in his little world to pay attention to any of it.

Many times when he set the ball, his mind convinced himself that Hinata was going to be there to receive it, only for the ball to fall to the floor with a sickening thud. Narita tried his best, but he couldn't hit the super fastballs that Kageyama had set with Hinata in mind. Nobody tried to comment on it, however, and Kageyama would just mutter a quick apology before going to retrieve the volleyball himself.

In total, it was a fairly miserable week only made up by the nights he was able to visit the hospital. He never imagined that he would look forward to going into that grief-ridden place, but he often found himself looking forward to the overly clean smell of antiseptic that he had become accustomed to. Without realizing it, he began to relate the scent to seeing his best friend, and he began to get excited about it.

That particular Saturday, Kageyama was nervous about his visit, however. Something had come up at practice, and while he had initially agreed, he was now having doubts.

What if he gets worse and I'm not there for him? What if everything goes wrong while I'm gone?

"KAGEYAMA THAT'S AMAZING!" Hinata nearly leaped out of his bed when Kageyama broke the news to him. "You?! You were invited to the Tokyo training camp? Over everyone else?" Hinata's mouth hung open as far as it could go. "I'm so jealous! You're gonna meet so many amazing players and get to learn so many amazing things! That's just... Wow!"

"So you think I should go?" Kageyama was slightly surprised at Hinata's level of enthusiasm. He thought the smaller teen would be more upset. After all, he wasn't able to go.

He's never going to be able to do something like this. Kageyama didn't want to think about it, but he couldn't help but scan the other teen up and down, analyzing his best friend's condition to the best of his abilities.

Hinata didn't look any worse than at the start of the week, but he certainly didn't look any better. He was still able to function completely on his own, and he was even able to leave the hospital almost whenever he wanted to. The two boys had occasionally taken advantage of that, leaving the building to go for a few quick walks while Hinata still could.

While Hinata tried his best not to let it show, Kageyama knew that he was overall extremely upset. He kept up a brave face whenever there was someone there, but the dark-haired teen knew him better than that. Hinata had never been the best at concealing the way he was feeling, and even someone who wasn't empathetic could pick up on all of the signs that he was in distress.

Still, for the most part, they avoided all conversations about Hinata's rapidly declining health. Kageyama would ask Hinata how he was when he first arrived, Hinata would give him a short update, and they left it at that.

"Of course!" Kageyama blinked as Hinata's voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "Why wouldn't you? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity Kageyama, you have to take it!"

"But.." Kageyama trailed off, unwilling to admit why he was hesitating.

"But what, don't worry about me," Hinata shrugged. "I'll be fine. Don't you dare pass this up, if you miss this opportunity, I'll never forgive you, and that's a promise."

That comment pushed Kageyama to follow the other teen's wishes, and he was on a train two days later on his way to this training camp. He had called Takeda that night to inform him that he would be going, and now in his hand was a slightly crumpled piece of paper with detailed instructions on how to get to the gym where the camp was held.

Except Kageyama was having a difficult time understanding it, as he could only read bits and pieces. This resulted in him panicking slightly, rushing around desperate to get to where he was supposed to be going.

Once he was there, however, he stared up at the huge building, nervousness still rising. This was huge. Hinata was right, it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Inside that building were people more incredible than Kageyama had ever seen before.

And I'm about to go play with them. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. The piece of paper from Takeda remained clutched in his hands. He had actually arrived.

"Karasuno high volleyball club... You're the people who beat Ushijima."

Kageyama quickly turned to see who had spoken. It was another teenager, one with decently long black hair that fell elegantly into waves. Kageyama also noticed that the newcomer was wearing a mask.

Wait... That's Sakusa Kiyoomi, he's from the Itachiyama Institute, Kageyama remembered hearing the name before. He's only a second year, but he's one of the top three spikers in Japan. Kageyama quickly greeted him, feeling his excitement rising.

I can't wait for what's coming.

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