Plans for Tomorrow

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   Kageyama slid down to the floor, exhausted. Coach Ukai had worked them to their breaking points. Kageyama was grateful, they needed the training. But that didn't stop him from leaning his head against the wall, shutting his eyes in an attempt to control his breathing and get his strength back. All of his limbs felt shaky and his entire body felt covered in sweat.

"Tough practice, eh?" Kageyama looked up to see Sugawara standing beside him, stretching. He looked nearly as exhausted as Kageyama felt, and he could see the teen's grey hair plastered to his head. The dark-haired setter was too out of breath to formulate a response so he just nodded and closed his eyes again. He could hear the different conversations going on around him, of his teammates either ecstatic over the rough practice or grumbling about it.

"I should've stayed home today," Kageyama heard Kinoshita complain.

"Gonna quit again?" Narita teased his friend good-naturedly.

"Nobody is quitting," Daichi's voice chimed in.

"Man that was fun," Kageyama looked up at the sound of Hinata's voice, and he quickly spotted the ginger-haired teen chatting with Tanaka and Nishinoya. The two second years nodded enthusiastically. Kageyama noted that none of them looked as exhausted as a normal human would be, and he couldn't help but roll his eyes at their stamina. Once he regained his breath he stood up and walked over to their little group. Nishinoya was going on a tangent about something he had done on some trip, and Tanaka and Hinata were listening intensely. Kageyama hesitated to interrupt, but he wanted to get at least one more quick attack before heading home for the night. It was Saturday night, meaning they didn't have practice the next day.

Once he was close enough to the group he awkwardly cleared his throat, trying to get Hintata's attention. When the ginger didn't look up at him he tried again with an uncertain "hey," Tanaka looked up, apparently the only one to hear him.

"Yeah Kageyama?" He asked, looking slightly confused. He then saw where Kageyama was looking and smirked. "Ah, I see."

"What?" Kageyama asked, and Nishinoya paused his story and turned to see what was going on. "I just wanted to see if Hinata wanted to practice a few more quick attacks before we're kicked out.

"Sureeee," Tanaka smiled, but it wasn't exactly pleasant. If Kageyama had to use a word to describe it, teasing would fit best. "C'mon Noya I see where we're not wanted." Tanaka began to walk away with Nishinoya, who still looked lost, in pursuit.

"What was that all about?" Hinata asked, looking baffled.

Kageyama shrugged. "Beats me."

"You said you wanted to run through the quick attack?"

"If you're up for it,"

"Of course I am!" Hinata dashed off to pick up a volleyball off the floor, one of the few that hadn't been put away yet. He raced back to Kageyama, clutching the ball in his hands in anticipation.

"Not too many guys, we have to close up the gym soon!" Takeda called from his position on the side of the gym, and the two boys nodded, already rushing towards the court.

They did more than just a few, getting easily lost in the familiar pattern of sets and spikes. Kageyama felt more alive than ever when he was performing with Hinata, something always made him feel unstoppable.

But that's what we are, aren't we? Kageyama remembered the nickname they had been given when they began to get the hang of the freak quick. We're Karasuno's unstoppable weapon. The name wasn't exactly literal in the sense that nobody could ever beat them, it was more the idea that nothing would be able to keep them down for long. And that's exactly how Kageyama felt. The two of them had been through a lot together, both good and bad things. Even if they had only joined the team less than a year ago, it already felt like they had been worked together forever. They had won games together and lost games together. They had fought more times than Kageyama could count, but they had also built a lot up together. Kageyama couldn't imagine his life without Hinata, or the team.

"Alright you two, that's enough!" Kageyama looked up to see Daichi standing at the entrance to the gym sternly. Kageyama looked around to see the room nearly empty except for the two teens still standing on the court, and Daichi and Sugawara standing in the doorway.

"Haven't you practiced enough for the day?" Sugawara stepped out from beside the captain, yawning. "You must be tired."

"Not really," Kageyama shrugged, though the moment he said it the exhaustion hit him and he yawned.

Daichi just sighed. "Whether you are or aren't isn't the point, you both need to get home."

"Yes sir," they both responded. The teens rushed to finish cleaning everything up with the help of the two third years.

"Alright, see you both on Monday!" Sugawara called to them, shutting the gym doors and beginning a casual stroll to the front of the school. Daichi nodded to back up his friend's statement, and then he too left the first years standing by the gym in the darkness.

"Practice was amazing today," Hinata said blissfully, securing his gym bag on his shoulder.

"It was if you like being totally wiped out," Kageyama teased, though he felt the same way.

"Hey I didn't get as tired as you did! You looked about ready to collapse!" Hinata retorted, looking annoyed. Kageyama refused to let that slide.

"Well excuse me, I'm not an endless ball of energy!"

"Are too!"

"Did you just... Compliment me?" Kageyama barely suppressed a chuckle.

"Shut up Kageyama!" Hinata pouted again, and Kageyama could tell he was getting more agitated. They began to walk towards the front of the school, their exhaustion finally setting. It was quiet, quieter than usual. Kageyama couldn't tell if it was because of how tired they were, if Hinata had something on his mind, or simply the atmosphere. But whatever it was, Kageyama wasn't complaining. They reached the point where they usually split up sooner than Kageyama would have liked, he didn't want their walk to end. He didn't feel quite ready to say goodbye to the ginger, and he suddenly had an idea.

"Do you... Maybe wanna hang out tomorrow?" He asked, breaking the silence. Hinata, who had just been reaching for his bike handle, stopped and turned to face the dark-haired setter.

"Uh... Sure! The usual place?" Hinata asked, looking up towards Kageyama, who thought he saw a tinge of color on the older teen's cheeks.

It is getting kinda cold out, he thought, looking away from Hinata, the sight of the flush on his friend's face making him slightly warm for some reason. We should probably hurry home. "Yeah."

"Awesome! What time?"

"Doesn't matter, I'll text you later and we can figure it out then." Kageyama didn't feel like setting up any specifics, he felt weak and exhausted, and he could tell Hinata was too just by looking at him.

"Alright!" Hinata returned to his task of securing his bike in his grasp and wheeling it out of where it had previously been stored. "See you tomorrow then!"

"See ya."

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