The Beginning

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  "What do you think is going to happen... When it's all over?"

A fall breeze blew past, providing a chilly yet comforting atmosphere. The sky was still light, though before long the sun would begin to droop, signifying the end of the September day.

"What do you mean?" Hinata asked, and Kageyama watched as his friend set down the handful of dead leaves he had been holding. Kageyama averted his eyes and stared out to the distance, leaning back on his hands. He felt a few leaves crunch as he scooted his legs ever so slightly closer to his chest.

"I mean... We won't be on Karasuno forever," the setter thought aloud, simply musing over the idea. "Sure, we're still first years, but the third years will be graduating soon. Soon enough we'll replace them, and then after that, we'll move on too." Hinata went quiet for a few moments as if pondering his response to the statement.

"I can't say... I've ever really thought about it," Hinata picked up a few more dead plants and tore them all in half before continuing. "I don't like to think about it. I like the way things are now. All I know is that... I want to keep playing volleyball. As long as I can, I want to stay on the court. Whether that's on Karasuno or some big league team, I want to keep playing. That's what matters to me." Kageyama couldn't say that Hinata's answer surprised him. The ginger had always been so motivated, always striving to be the best. Kageyama did not doubt that the other boy was going to make it big someday.

"I guess I'm just not ready for everything to change," Kageyama admitted. In response his friend simply flashed him a small smile, and a sympathetic look. Kageyama felt better instantly. Hinata had always been a fun person to hang out with, though the thought pained the dark-haired male. Hinata was energetic, rambunctious, and loud. But he also cared, and his passion was almost completely unmatched. "Everything has been going so well lately. Our team is better than ever. I don't know if I'm ready for that all to end."

"I get what you mean," Hinata sighed. "Our team is so cool! I've never been a part of anything like it. I don't want to give it up. I'm excited to see what happens next though."

Kageyama nodded, then watched as Hinata pulled out a small phone from his pocket. The middle blocker flipped it open and then let out a groan. "I've got to go, my mom wants me home for dinner. See you at practice tomorrow?" He stood up and dusted himself off, little bits of nature scattering and falling to the ground.

"Of course," Kageyama stood up as well. He waved goodbye to Hinata who had already begun to jog down the hill, stretching his short legs out as far as they could go.

Kageyama knew he and Hinata were similar in their love for volleyball. It's what brought them together. From the game in middle school to joining Karasuno, to every game and practice since volleyball is how they had become a team.

What a dumbass, Kageyama thought, slowly beginning his descent down the hill and back to his house. The sunset was causing all the shadows to shift, and the wind was picking up speed.

The setter stuffed his hands in his pockets as he walked.

Sure, Hinata was an idiot, but he was also Kageyama's friend. They had already been through so much together, and Kageyama had to admit that he was looking forward to making more memories with his friend.


"I'm home!" Kageyama called into his house, opening the door. He instantly retreated to his room, setting down his stuff in the corner. He knew he should probably pull out his homework, but he didn't feel like it. So against his better judgment, he left it in his bag and walked over to his bed. He sat on the edge, the mattress squeaking so quietly he could hardly hear it.

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