Rising Concern

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We lost, Kageyama looked down in defeat. They had played a tough game, but in the end the opposing team had beaten them. He had gotten confident when they had taken the first set, but soon enough the other team had taken the second, and then the third.

"Good game guys," Narita looked around at all of them, his mouth curved up in a small smile. Kageyama couldn't miss the disappointment on his face however, he was sure it matched his own.

"Come over here," Kageyama turned his head to see Ennoshita waving them all over. He joined the group curiously, wondering what the second year was up to. "I agree with Narita," Ennoshita began once they were all gathered, and he nodded towards his friend. "You all played an amazing game and I couldn't be more proud." The wing spiker's eyes swept over the small team, pausing on each of them in turn.

"But... We lost," someone voiced what Kageyama currently thought. Yamaguchi's eyes were wide as if he had spoken without thinking. Kageyama heard Ennoshita sigh slightly.

"We did," Ennoshita agreed, meeting Yamaguchi's gaze. "We did. But it was a tough game, and we all did well. We put up a strong fight, and I'm sure we improved so many of our abilities, which was the point of this exercise," Kageyama watched as he looked at each of them again. "But I mean it when I say I couldn't be more proud of you all. You're all very skilled players, and you've come so far. We'll get the next one alright?" He locked eyes with Kageyama who silently moved his head in agreement.

There won't be another one like this, he argued with Ennoshita in his head. This was our chance. He knew the game didn't really matter, after all it was just practice. That was logical. But the emotional side of him couldn't help being upset. He had wanted to win. He looked around his small team and saw them all looking more reassured after Ennoshita's small speech. Yamaguchi looked relieved but still slightly torn.

Kageyama knew they all handled loss differently, and Ennoshita must have known that as well. Kageyama watched as the second year pulled Asahi and Narita to the side, instructing them on something.

"You think Hinata is okay?" Someone asked from beside Kageyama. Yamaguchi stood there awkwardly, looking concerned.

Hinata. Kageyama looked over to where the small teenager was sitting. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he felt worried. He had been distracted in the game ever since his friend had stepped out, continually casting worried glances over to where Hinata was resting.

Maybe that's why we lost . He left Yamaguchi, whose question was still unanswered, and walked over to where the first year was sitting. The teen was on the floor, back up to the wall, sitting beside Coach Ukai's chair. He was talking rapidly to the coach, his eyes wide and excited. The color had come back to his face and he looked so much more like the Hinata that Kageyama remembered.

"Hey," he mumbled as he approached. Hinata stopped mid-sentence and looked up instantly.

"Great game Kageyama!" He exclaimed looking excitedly at the setter. "You guys were so close!" Kageyama didn't give a response to the statement. He didn't feel like talking about the game.

"Uhh... How are you?" He asked sheepishly. He caught Hinata looking slightly annoyed as he averted his eyes.

"I'm perfectly fine now, see?" Kageyama saw a flash in the corner of his eye as the older boy jumped up to demonstrate.

"I don't think you should-" came the voice of Coach Ukai, but he was quickly interrupted by Hinata:

"I told you it's fine," he said, on his feet now. Kageyama looked up to see Hinata and Coach Ukai staring at each other, it was borderline glaring. Takeda and Daichi looked on in concern, and Yaichi peered over Kiyoko's shoulder in confusion. The air seemed tight, and Kageyama could tell that even the players who weren't standing near could tell that something was going on.

"Hinata," Daichi began, standing up and walking over. He placed a hand on Hinata's shoulder and spoke in a calm voice, though Kageyama could tell the third year was certain about what he was going to say.

"I said it's FINE," Hinata brushed off the captain, stepped back a few times, and took a deep breath. He spoke more forcefully than Kageyama had ever heard him before, and his voice cracked halfway through his statement. Hinata shifted his eyes away and walked off, not taking any further arguments.

"Sorry guys," Dachi sighed when Hinata was out of earshot. "I shouldn't have interfered. I'm just... You know," he trailed off, unable to finish his sentence. Kageyama watched as Takeda nodded understandingly.

"I know, we all are," Takeda comforted. The teacher and Coach Ukai shared a look, and a mutual thought seemed to pass between them. Suddenly Takeda looked up as if just noticing that Kageyama was standing there. He did a double-take and then turned towards him, almost nervously.

"What's going on?" Kageyama asked.

I'm not stupid, clearly there's something they aren't telling me. He met Takeda's gaze, determined to get to the bottom of whatever was happening.

"Look Kageyama, I know you're worried but we need to leave Hinata alone for now. He's had a rough day." The teacher spoke quietly, peering over Kageyama's shoulder as if checking to make sure Hinata couldn't hear him.

He has? Kageyama looked at Takeda, confused. Sure he had complained about classes and sitting out for most of the game must've sucked, but it wasn't that bad. Against his will, the setter shrugged and decided to drop it. If it was important, Hinata would tell him. Right?


"Goodmorning Kageyama!" Someone called the next day. Kageyama turned to see Hinata running towards him, as bright and cheerful as ever. The tall first yea stared into the amber eyes of the small ginger and his nerves instantly settled.

"Morning dumbass," Kageyama responded with a yawn. They were once again heading to practice early, eager to get as much work in as they could before the next real game. While it was still pretty far away, they could never start too early.

They raced up to the gym again a few moments later, Kageyama nearly colliding with a post from the path next to the room. He breathed heavily, the race robbing him of a lot of his energy.

"I win... Today..." Kageyama looked over to see Hinata, panting, one hand on his chest. He lifted his head and gave Kageyama a smirk of satisfaction before bending over once again in an attempt to recover.

"I'm not even surprised anymore." Kageyama whipped his head around to see Sugawara, Daichi, and Asahi walking up. It was Sugawara who had spoken, and his tone was slightly teasing. Even so, Kageyama could detect a tinge of exasperation in it.

"You two just don't know when to quit, do you?" Asked Daichi, a laugh embedded in his voice.

"Never would have made it this far if I did!" Hinata exclaimed, finally recovered from his bout of exhaustion. He picked his gym bag up from where he had thrown it on the ground and dusted it off, tossing it over his shoulder. "Can we get to practice already?"

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