Chapter 2: B. I. N. G. O. Bingo

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Charming Gold was at his tower, discussing with his robotic servant about the Running Man contestants' progress. "And that's where we are in terms of the score. The winner of the first round, Liu, has risen as a potential contender to become the champion," his robotic servant explained.

Charming Gold smirked and responded, "Potential champion? Hm, interesting," as he threw a cylindrical figurine of Liu. He then continued, "But what is more interesting is our new contestant..." He trailed off as the screen before him showed the newest contestant joining the championship.

"Sabriye Unisa," Charming Gold uttered, intrigued by her. Meanwhile, the contestants readied their watches and their shields (A/N: Sabriye placed her power band on her left wrist so that she could wear the watch provided there and her shield had the R-shaped logo on it.) and assembled at the stadium on their floating pods.

Sabriye made sure to add one of Psychic's glyphs to hold on to her floating pod and avoid falling off of it. She still hadn't really overcome her phobia of heights, since she went to save her friends from Mina, back at Mewni. The contestants formed a straight line in front of a huge, holographic screen, awaiting the rules of the next match.

After one of Charming Gold's robots introduced himself and the host himself, much to Sabriye's disgust, Charming Gold started off by mentioning Liu's victory for the first round. This led to everyone else scowling at the said winner; everyone but Pala, who was yawning, and Sabriye, who was smiling, proud of Liu for his victory.

Charming Gold then continued, with a wink and poses, to which Sabriye rolled her eyes at, "No one can predict the final winner of the Running Man Championship. We will begin the mini game through the second round of the solo match." However, he didn't stop there. "Before that, however, we would like to introduce you our newest contestant."

A holographic screen appeared before the contestants and the audience - so did a holographic image of Sabriye, smirking and adjusting her glasses. "This is Sabriye Unisa. It is said that she's from another universe," the robot from earlier introduced her. The audience was erupted into cheers at this.

However, Sabriye was not feeling the enthusiasm. Instead, she had her arms crossed, as if she was hugging herself, and had a conflicted look on her face. The other contestants seemed to have noticed this as Liu's screen appeared in front of her. With a frown that held concern, Liu asked, "Sabriye, are you alright?"

Sabriye nodded as she responded, "I'm fine. It's just..." She trailed off for a moment before covering her face with her hand and continued, with a slight groan, "This is embarrassing." Lonky's screen appeared next. "What? How is that embarrassing? You get to have the spotlight in this. I'm so jealous."

Sabriye responded, "Well, if you want the spotlight that much, take it. I'm not used to this much attention," and she had a reason for that. Back in her original universe, she wasn't known to be popular in school. She was your normal, average girl.

Besides the facts that she was known as one of the smartest students in the class, a teacher's pet, a student whose normal face made her look like she wanted to murder someone and a short-tempered but kind-hearted girl, she wasn't popular in any way.

However, it was mostly her class that acknowledged her for those. It didn't mean that she was popular among the other students in the cohort, or even among the juniors. Therefore, she was deprived of the amount of attention she was currently getting.

Liu attempted to comfort her by saying, "You'll get used to it." Sabriye nodded in agreement before the robot announced the rules, which Sabriye ignored as she knew it all. Soon enough, the mini game had begun. The players walked around looking for their opponents' emblems.

Just as Sabriye expected, Popo was eliminated first by Kuga. The other players decided to work together against Kuga so that they could get the strongest player out of the way. They soon split up, leaving poor Pala behind. Sabriye was wandering alone looking for Kuga's emblem when she noticed a few statues of Charming Gold around her.

Sabriye had a weird look on her face as she examined the statues and commented, cringing, "I'm just gonna say it. Charming Gold sure has weird and seriously ridiculous choices of poses. Makes me wonder how people like him." Meanwhile, the said peacock gaped at Sabriye on the screen before him in offense.

Abruptly, a huge shadow appeared above her. She knew what that meant. Sabriye instinctively used Protect around her but her move was useless. The barrier around her shattered as a huge pillar crushed her to the ground, leaving giant cracks on the floor around her.

She was then pulled by the huge black paw into a hole that led her to the plain room where the eliminated players would stay for the time being until the game ends. Sabriye was still in a bit of pain from the impact, so she turned into Fairy and healed herself.

Once that was done, she turned back to normal and thought sarcastically, 'Wow, is this my punishment for saying that Charming Gold's statues were ridiculous? Now that would be petty of him.' Meanwhile, the said peacock sneezed abruptly and his robots went to his side to check on his condition.

Sabriye suddenly remembered that she was not alone. She noticed Popo sitting at a corner, with a bit of distance between them, staring at her with his eyes sparkling in awe. "How did you do that?" Popo asked, still in awe. Sabriye smiled at him, amused by his antics.

Sabriye then explained that she was an Elemental Heroine and other things that were relevant to her powers. Popo was fascinated by the information he had gathered. He was on cloud nine that he was able to meet a fellow elemental user, just like him. Soon, the mini game ended just like how it did in the episode - with Pala winning by pure luck.

A/N: Hey, guys, sorry for the late update. Anyways I hope you guys liked this chapter stay tuned for more updates and I'll see you in the next one. Bye. 👋🏼

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