Chapter 13: Pyramid Race Part 1

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Right after the minigame, another game began. Due to the fact that everyone on the Running Man Team had won the minigame, Charming Gold had a tough time deciding who would be the Fugitives Team and who would be on the Pursuers Teams. In the end, Lonky, Popo and Pala were placed on the Fugitives Team as they nearly achieved victory during the minigame, while Kuga and Gai were placed on one Pursuers Team, leaving Liu, Miyo and Sabriye on the other.

Just like any other times before the games, Sabriye was tuning out Charming Gold's speech and the announcement of the rules of the game. As she was tuning out, she couldn't help but worry about Gai. She knew his secret. Man X, his connection with Charming Gold, everything that Miyo had yet to find out.

Once the game began, Liu was perplexed - Miyo and Sabriye remained stoic and silent - to find a bunch of swings were found before them. There was a large distance between each of them. Any normal person, for example, Sabriye, before she became who she was then, would have a high chance in dying before they could complete the obstacle.

At that moment, Sabriye was beyond happy that she had powers to aid in this and that Liu and Miyo are experienced in handling situations like this, even before the Running Man Championship. Liu nervously said, failing to hide his fear, "It's uhh... just a game, right? Oh boy, it looks dangerous." 

Sabriye snorted at that, gaining Liu and Miyo's attention, and replied, "Since when was anything not dangerous, hm?" She did have a point. Everything that the Running Man Team had been through during their time at the championship had indeed been dangerous. There was no denying it. Miyo decided to go first and deftly jumped from and landed on each swing.

At one point, she stopped to balance herself. Liu hollered, "You okay?" Miyo smirked and replied, "Yeah, I'm fine." She looked ahead and found that she was about to reach the other side of the obstacle. Miyo swung to the next swing, but something unexpected happened - the swing span, causing her slip off of it, much to their horror.

Sabriye saw this coming, but that didn't stop her from feeling scared for her friend. When Miyo span along with the swing and reached the other side flawlessly, Sabriye smiled in relief. She then warned Liu and Sabriye of the swing before proceeding to wait for them on the other side. Sabriye immediately went into position and smirked, "Hmph, I got this." 

For each swing she laid her eyes on, she used Substitute to appear and disappear on them until she reached the other side. It was quite the scene for Liu and Miyo, who were watching the power displayed. Sabriye landed on the other side with her signature smirk still remaining. It was then Liu's turn. 

As he was stretching, Miyo reminded him of the spinning swing again, with a worried look on her face. Liu smirked confidently and reassured her that he would be fine. Sabriye frowned at that. Sabriye could tell that Miyo didn't want Liu to nearly die, like she did. In all honesty, Sabriye was more worried than she was. 

She knew that it won't be the fault of the spinning swing this time, so she got into position to save Liu when the time came. Liu was first jumping and landing on the swings flawlessly, but rather more quickly than Sabriye liked. Finally, Liu landed on a different swing - broke in half, causing Liu to fall off of it.

Miyo got her grappling hook out and caught him with it, while Sabriye pulled it with all her might. Abruptly, Sabriye felt a rush of power within her and she pulled Liu up with no problem at all. When Liu reached the other side as well, he and Miyo stared at Sabriye in awe. Sabriye raised an eyebrow, confused by their stares.

Sensing her confusion, Liu spoke up, "Sabriye, you... changed." Sabriye blinked twice before looking down at her clothes. Most of her clothes were vermilion. That was when she found out that she was no longer Sabriye, but Fighting. Her eyes sparkled in wonder as she chuckled in amazement. Liu and Miyo smiled with her. 

Snapping out of her trance, Fighting shook her head and said with a frown that was a mix of vexation and worry, "What were you thinking, going at such speed and nearly dying because of that?! Didn't Miyo tell you to be careful?!" Miyo then turned to Liu with a similar frown. Liu then retorted, "But I was! But I don't know what happened-"

Miyo then interrupted him and pointed at the swing Liu fell off from, "See that?" Liu looked at what she was pointing at and uttered with shock, "What the...?!" Miyo explained, "As soon as you stepped on it, a red light came on and it broke apart." Liu sighed and said, knowing the possible unexpected dangers of the game, "I hope... the others are okay."

Fighting nodded and said, "We all do, Liu. We all do. But right now, less worrying, more running. Let's go!" Fighting then ran to the platform to bring them to the next obstacle. Liu and Miyo nodded with determination before following her to the platform and moving up to the next obstacle.

A/N: Hey, long time no speak. Sorry for the long hiatus. I had some weighted assessments and mid-year exams to do. But, they're all done now, so don't worry. I'll be able to update again. Thanks for reading this. I'm sorry it's short, But I didn't want to risk going over the word limit again. But, I hope you guys like it. Stay tuned for more updates and I'll see in the next chapter. Bye. 👋🏼

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